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News (Media Awareness Project) - US OH: Unitarians Pass Statement Calling For Radical
Title:US OH: Unitarians Pass Statement Calling For Radical
Published On:2002-06-29
Source:Blade, The (OH)
Fetched On:2008-01-23 03:12:22

The U.S. government's war on drugs has been a failure and Americans have a
moral obligation to try a different approach, such as legalizing marijuana
and decriminalizing cocaine and heroin, according to the Unitarian
Universalists Association.

More than 4,100 delegates approved a "Statement of Conscience" at the
denomination's 41st General Assembly calling for a radical alternative to
the war on drugs. The four-day convention in Quebec City, Canada, ended
Monday night.

"We want to do just like Jesus did," said Charles Thomas, executive
director of Unitarian Universalists for Drug Policy Reform. "The people who
were the most ostracized in society in Jesus' day were lepers. Today's drug
addicts are modern-day lepers. We feel that, according to our Christian
heritage, it 's important to follow Jesus."

Among the proposals:

Establish a legal, regulated, and taxed market for marijuana. Treat
marijuana as we treat alcohol.

Remove criminal penalties for possession and use of currently illegal
drugs, with drug abusers subject to arrest and imprisonment only if they
commit an actual crime (e.g. assault, burglary, impaired driving,
vandalism). End sentencing inequities drive by racial profiling.

Make all drugs legally available with a prescription by a licensed
physician, subject to professional oversight. End the practice of punishing
an individual for obtaining, possessing, or using an otherwise illegal
substance to treat a medical condition and allow medically administered
drug maintenance as a treatment option for drug addiction.

"We are hopeful that this powerful statement will pave the way for other
denominations to join the movement for more just and compassionate drug
policies," Mr. Thomas said.

He said an earlier, more moderate statement calling for alternatives to
current U.S. drug policies was signed by representatives of the Lutheran,
Quaker, and United Church of Christ denominations and the National Council
of Churches.

The Statement of Conscience that was approved last weekend had been debated
among Unitarian Universalist congregations nationwide before coming to the
floor of the General Assembly.

The denomination plans to lobby government officials and promote education
among its members and the general public, Mr. Thomas said.

Unitarian Universalists for Drug Policy Reform, based in Takoma Park, Md.,
is an independent affiliate of the UUA. Mr. Thomas said the group studied
drug policies in other countries and found that Unitarian Universalist
ideals affirming the inherent worth of every person and a commitment to
compassion, justice, and equity are found in many of the European nations'
drug policies.

Mr. Thomas said the U.S. system has led to prisons jammed to capacity,
rising violent crime, and racial injustices.

He compared the results of U.S. drug policies to the "bad fruit" Jesus
spoke of in a parable in Matthew 7.

"Likewise every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit.
A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit.
Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the
fire. Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.

It's time to chop down the tree and plant new ones, Mr. Thomas said. He
cited Switzerland as an example.

"Heroin addicts who are unable to quit can obtain the drug from medical
clinics and through doctors' prescriptions instead of dealers on the street
corners. This has cut down on violent crimes and reduced the risk of
disease. "And what they've found is that people who go into the medical
clinics are actually more likely to quit," Mr. Thomas said.

Dr. Lawrence Anderson-Wong, president of the Toledo District of the
Unitarian Universalists, said he voted in favor of the statement.

"It was not so much the content of what should take the place of the war on
drugs, but the fact that the war on drugs has been a complete failure. ...
In part, the purpose of such statements is to raise our own consciences as
well as get the public's attention."

In other action at the assembly in Quebec, delegates approved amendments
giving Canadian Unitarians and Universalists independence from the U.S.
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