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News (Media Awareness Project) - US NV: Marijuana Law - Further Loosening Sought
Title:US NV: Marijuana Law - Further Loosening Sought
Published On:2002-07-01
Source:Las Vegas Review-Journal (NV)
Fetched On:2008-01-23 03:01:09

State could go from strictest to most lenient in nation under proposed
ballot question

CARSON CITY -- Until last October, Nevada had the strictest marijuana law
in the nation. Puffing on a single joint could give a user a felony
criminal record and land him in prison for at least a year.

Such measures were rarely, if ever, taken, and the law didn't stop Nevadans
from approving the use of medical marijuana in 2000. Nor did it prevent a
state lawmaker from introducing and getting passed a law making possession
of less than 1 ounce a misdemeanor.

Now, Nevadans might vote this fall to loosen the pot prohibition law even
more, essentially giving the state the most relaxed marijuana law in America.

That's because the Marijuana Policy Project, a Washington, D.C.-based
organization, was able to collect signatures of 109,000 Nevada voters on a
petition that seeks to legalize possession of up to 3 ounces of marijuana.

If enough signatures are found valid, the question would be put to voters
this November and again in 2004.

No state now has such a relaxed marijuana law. Ohio, New York, Maine,
Mississippi and Nebraska now require police only to issue citations for
people possessing small amounts of marijuana. Offenders pay small fines,
usually $100.

But the Marijuana Policy Project wants Nevada voters to approve a
constitutional amendment to prohibit police from arresting people with
fewer than 3 ounces of marijuana. There also would be no civil penalties to
be paid.

It still would be illegal for minors to possess the drug, and driving under
the influence laws would still hold. It also still would be illegal to use
marijuana in public places. A distribution system also would be set up to
provide low-cost medical marijuana.

Billy Rogers, director of state policies for the Marijuana Policy Project,
won't say why his organization selected Nevada as the first state to launch
its effort. Nevada was also first among states to legalize gambling and
remains the only state with legal prostitution, albeit only in rural counties.

"Obviously we have done some research," Rogers said. "We know most people
in Nevada don't think people should be arrested and sent to prison for
small amounts. Most people think it is a waste of tax dollars for law
enforcement to go after people with small amounts of marijuana."

He cited a recent national poll that found 61 percent of respondents
believe police should not devote time to dealing with minor marijuana

Consequently, Rogers' group set up a state organization called Nevadans for
Responsible Law Enforcement, charged with collecting signatures for the
marijuana petition. He said the group spent more than $300,000 to collect
more than 109,000 signatures in a 40-day period that ended June 18.

Getting on the ballot in Nevada is easier than other states, he added. Most
states, particularly those in the East, don't allow people to collect
signatures on petitions to amend the constitution or change a state law.

Rogers is confident the petition drive was successful. County clerks and
election registrars have until July 8 to verify the signatures are
accurate. The group needs only 61,336 valid signatures to put the proposal
before voters.

Because the group seeks to amend the state constitution, the proposal must
be approved by voters twice.

And past votes by Nevadans have reflected a tolerant approach to marijuana
use. State voters approved a constitutional amendment to allow medical
marijuana twice: 59 percent of voters backed the plan in 1998 and 65
percent approved it in 2000.

Following the second vote, Assemblywoman Chris Giunchigliani, D-Las Vegas,
introduced a bill to set up a medical marijuana program and to relax the
state's marijuana possession laws. Currently, 185 people with medical
problems have been given state permits to grow up to seven marijuana plants.

Cecile Crofoot, who manages the medical marijuana program, said law
enforcement agencies have not had any problems with participants abusing
the program. Users cannot have more than 1 ounce of usable marijuana in
their possession at any time.

But she said the complaint she hears from almost every legal user is they
find it difficult to grow marijuana.

Metropolitan Police Department Lt. Stan Olsen said police in Las Vegas have
not taken an official stance on the latest marijuana petition, but probably
will oppose it.

"Three ounces is quite a bit," said Olsen, the department's legislative
lobbyist. "If we legalize it, what is next? A lot of people don't use drugs
now because they are illegal and they stand to lose in their personal or
professional lives if they use."

Olsen said he is worried that if pot use became legal, people would drive
under the influence of the drug, regardless of restrictions.

Giunchigliani, however, backs the latest initiative.

"It follows right in line with what I did last session," she said. "There
was no outcry over what I did. My law decriminalizes it, but there still
are fines. Marijuana is not a gateway drug that leads to cocaine and
heroin. The public is a lot wiser than we give them credit for."

Her law makes possession of less than 1 ounce of marijuana a misdemeanor.
Offenders can be fined as much as $600, but are not subject to any jail time.

The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, or NORML, said
that new law, which went into effect Oct. 1, makes Nevada one of 12 states
that have decriminalized the drug.

Having once circulated tax petitions for the Nevada State Education
Association, Giunchigliani is impressed that the Marijuana Policy Project
could secure signatures of 109,000 people in 40 days on its initiative.

"You know how we are in this state," she said. "It may be they know what
the public wants. I see it as a recognition that a lot more people are
using marijuana than you and I are aware of."

"Over one third of the adults have tried the drug, including former
presidents and Supreme Court justices," said Paul Armentano, a NORML
spokesman. "It is time to admit it is part of the culture."

Armentano said studies have shown that pot use has not increased in states
with the most relaxed marijuana laws.

"People are not flocking to Ohio because of its marijuana laws," he said.

According to FBI statistics, marijuana arrests continue to climb, from
fewer than 300,000 in 1991 to almost 750,000 in 2000. Marijuana is the
seventh most common offense for police arrests.

Such statistics led to the formation of the Marijuana Policy Project in 1995.

"I think people are surprised by the increase in marijuana arrests," Rogers
said. "This initiative recognizes that. It gives law enforcement more time
to go after serious criminals."
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