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News (Media Awareness Project) - UK: Teenagers Shun 'Boring, Lying' MPS
Title:UK: Teenagers Shun 'Boring, Lying' MPS
Published On:2002-07-04
Source:Daily Telegraph (UK)
Fetched On:2008-01-23 00:55:50

Young people accused politicians yesterday of being boring,
self-seeking liars and of demonising teenagers as criminals and

They suggested that MPs should use sports and music events to
communicate with them on a more positive basis and to make an interest
in politics "cool".

A survey conducted for the Government's Children and Young People's
Unit found that most young people aspired to the same things as their
parents - a secure job, a house and a stable relationship.

However, they were alienated from the political process by cynical
MPs, spin and a relentless focus on the negative aspects of their lives.

Asked to identify the characteristics of MPs, they had a predominantly
negative vision of "white, middle-aged, self-seeking men" who were
invariably "boring, long-winded and untruthful".

A statement compiled by 60 young people involved in the survey of more than
1,000 14- to 19-year-olds told MPs: "Don't just appear to kiss babies at
election time and then go Awol until next time. Don't surround yourself with
white, middle-class men as advisers."

A report based on the BMRB survey and published by John Denham, the
minister for young people, makes embarrassing reading for politicians
and policy-makers.

It was compiled to find out why so many young people were disengaged
from politics. At the last election, turnout among 18- to 24-year-olds
was estimated at 39 per cent. Turnout generally was 59 per cent, the
lowest since 1918.

Nearly 60 per cent of those questioned said they had little or no
interest in politics, compared with 26 per cent who were quite interested.

Yet many cared deeply about environmental issues and had been involved
in boycotts or charity events. Three quarters wanted schools and
colleges to teach them more about politics.

Many wanted clarification of where the political parties stood and the
differences between them.

Nearly a third of young people said they wanted MPs to use words that
made them easier to understand.

The same proportion, 34 per cent, said they wanted to be told what to
expect at a polling station. They suggested that television soap
operas could include a storyline where a young person voted for the
first time. When young people had met MPs, they reported mixed
experiences. In one case, pupils were disillusioned by their MP's
failure to meet them when they went to London on a "youth and
parliament" study day. One young person said: "Politicians seem
remote, aloof, arrogant. You never see them except when they want
something from you.

"Teenagers suggested that sports and music events were a good way of
"making it cool to be interested in politics".

In 1992 Madonna appeared in American adverts to promote the "Rock The
Vote" campaign. Naked but for an artfully placed American flag, she
told young people to vote in the presidential elections "or you're
gonna get a spanky".

The threat apparently worked and the percentage of under-25s who voted
rose from 36 per cent in the 1988 elections to 60 per cent in 1992.

A separate report by the National Children's Bureau found that young
people aged nine to 14 had strong views on social issues but did not
feel there were opportunities to express them.

They said they were uninspired by politics. However, half said that if
an election was held tomorrow, and they were able to vote, they would
do so.
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