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News (Media Awareness Project) - UK: Make Heroin Legal, Say Cannabis MPs
Title:UK: Make Heroin Legal, Say Cannabis MPs
Published On:2002-07-12
Source:Evening Standard (London, UK)
Fetched On:2008-01-22 23:50:02

David Blunkett's drugs strategy came under more pressure today as Labour
MPs called for hard narcotics - including heroin - to be legalised.

The demand came from the same backbenchers who successfully fought for the
downgrading of cannabis possession to a nonarrestable offence.

It will embarrass the Home Secretary, who faces accusations that his
cannabis policy has opened the door for Britain's drugs laws to be
dismantled piece by piece.

Newport West MP Paul Flynn, who led the campaign to legalise pot, said all
drugs should be sold under licence in a step-by-step process of wholesale
legalisation. "I am advocating harm reduction by a series of incremental
steps," he said. "David Blunkett has had the courage to face down ignorance
and take the first step."

Mr Flynn said the rise in heroin abuse from 1,000 registered addicts to
about 250,000 in recent years showed that simply declaring the drug illegal
had no effect.

Instead, it drove addicts into the arms of pushers who targeted teenagers
and supplied dangerously impure versions of the drug.

"The market for drugs is not going to go away," he said. "We all aim to
reduce the harm inflicted by drugs - but the most harmful way is by
prohibition. The only way is to remove the black market run by criminal
gangs. The only way to do that is to replace it with a licensed trade which
is policed and stringently inspected."

Asked if heroin should be sold under licence, he said: "You can work out
the steps for yourself. Once David Blunkett goes along this path of
discovery, he will find that what happened in Amsterdam and other countries
has reduced harm to young people."

He was joined by Brian Iddon, Labour MP for Bolton South East, who said it
was wrong to imprison people for misusing drugs, including heroin.

He also called for the full legalisation of cannabis. He said: "This small
step forward is to be applauded. My anxiety, however, is that
cannabis-users still have to go to criminals for supplies. I do not believe
prohibition of drugs works. I am talking about all drugs. I would rather we
treated people who use drugs as sick rather than put them in jail."

The calls infuriated allies of Mr Blunkett, who has come under fire for
announcing that most cannabis-users will not be prosecuted though the drug
will remain illegal. One aide said: "This campaign does not stand a
snowball in Hell's chance."

Shadow home secretary Oliver Letwin accused Mr Blunkett of a muddled
policy. "He must be careful not to let the whole drugs issue spin out of
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