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News (Media Awareness Project) - UK: Column: Drug Culture Has Invaded Middle England
Title:UK: Column: Drug Culture Has Invaded Middle England
Published On:2002-07-11
Source:Independent (UK)
Fetched On:2008-01-22 23:23:55

Now I'm Expecting My Neighbours To Come Round And Ask To Borrow A Cup Of Speed

Now that Keith Hellawell has resigned, he'll need looking after for a
while. You must be extremely sensitive when coming down from a
five-year-long trip in which you were so removed from reality that you
believed you were a tsar. Like most of the people raging against the
lowering of dope to a class C drug, he suffers from the hallucination that
he's an expert on the effects of this substance he's proud never to have
taken, whereas the millions who have taken it know nothing about it. Then
he wonders why no one took him seriously.

If you're going to have a drugs tsar, surely it should be someone who could
give useful advice, such as "I wouldn't touch that skunk knocking around
south London at the moment. Wait till the weekend and there'll be some
cracking grass round at Dave's house by Saturday."

Nothing could be more hopeless than his strategy of trying to tell everyone
not to take drugs on account of the misery they cause. The reason people
smoke dope is because it's enjoyable. If it only caused misery, you
wouldn't need a tsar to warn you off it. You don't need an official to warn
everyone not to stick their head in a nest of wasps because no one feels
the urge to do it. So his message wasn't listened to because it was "Don't
try anything that you've heard might be enjoyable. There's no need to seek
pleasure, as you can get just as much enjoyment from boredom as you can
from fun. When your friends come home 'stoned' they might look as if
they've had a good time, but there's nothing like the satisfaction of
completing a giant dot-to-dot puzzle or tracing a picture of a cathedral.
After all, who do you want to identify with: drug-taking musicians and DJs,
or clean-living icons such as Michael Buerk and quizmaster Robert Robertson?"

One expert on yesterday's news claimed the new policy was dangerous because
although dope isn't addictive, it "can be a gateway drug for people with
addictive personalities". In other words, the fact it isn't addictive is
what's wrong with it. If only it was addictive people would stick with it,
but because it isn't, these addictive types will seek something else. And
you could say the same about lettuce, a frighteningly accessible "gateway
salad item".

Dope is so widespread now that if you're under 60, you can't believe the
sort of stories you used to get, that "apparently, there was a boy in
Dartford, he smoked a puff of that marijooana and now he thinks he's an
apple and they can't get him down from his uncle's tree."

Recently, my proper middle-aged neighbours had a party. I prepared to be on
my best behaviour but within five minutes the garden was barely visible
through a cloud of dope smoke. The nice woman over the road with an
alarmingly tidy fish pond told me: "The thing is, darling, we were brought
up in the Sixties - with all the stuff we took, it's a wonder we're still
alive. Especially my husband - he was a roadie for Led Zeppelin." Now I'm
expecting them to come and ask to borrow a cup of speed, "only until my
normal delivery comes on Thursday". Someone will go around giving away
home-made marmalade, asking: "Which one would you like, dear? I've done
some with orange, some with ginger, and some with Lebanese hash oil."

Across Middle England, people are hanging out their washing and telling
their neighbours: "We had a quiet weekend, Brian washed the car and mowed
the lawn while I got a traditional Sunday lunch of a take-away curry and
then we all got ripped on this gear Uncle Norman brought back from Denmark."

Those people objecting to the new dope classification desperately argue
that they're concerned for our health. But convincing people to respond to
health warnings depends on them being believable - snarling that "dope
turns you crazy and leads to crack" is so obviously untrue it's destined to
have the same impact as parents who say "finish that bit of carrot or I'm
cancelling our holiday". And once someone knows you're talking rubbish
about one drug, why should they listen to anything you say about the
others? It's as dishonest as fox-hunters who claim hunting helps preserve
foxes, or anti-abortionists who say their main concern is for the mental
welfare of women. Because hardly anyone objects to all drugs. The problem
comes when they're not just taken to ease discomfort but to make people a
little happier when there's no initial pain. The disdain is driven almost
by a spiritual objection to unearned pleasure.

But these people are fighting a losing battle, as by the time we're
one-year-old we're introduced to drug culture, not only stuffed with Calpol
but sat in front of four bears who always hug each other, have to hear
everything twice before understanding what's been said, wander around a
field full of rabbits admiring clouds and end up with the munchies,
devouring Tubbytoast.

Money for nothing
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