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News (Media Awareness Project) - US NV: Web: Will Nevada Take Lid Off Pot?
Title:US NV: Web: Will Nevada Take Lid Off Pot?
Published On:2002-08-01
Source:Wired News (US Web)
Fetched On:2008-01-22 21:38:54

Call it Operation Desert Smoke, aka the war to legalize marijuana in
Nevada. A war, pardon the cliche, for hearts and minds. A battle of words,
concepts and alliances built on common values. A war in which the Internet,
as history's most potent vehicle for disseminating "facts" -- true or
otherwise -- has become a significant weapon.

"Information is always the enemy of stupidity and prejudice," says Bruce
Mirken, director of communications for the Marijuana Policy Project, which
is providing organizational support and funding for the Nevada initiative.
"The Net has played a substantial role in undermining (marijuana) prohibition."

"Is it possible that glittering websites offering what may be very biased
perspectives regarding marijuana are having an impact on the
decriminalization/legalization movement? Sure," retorts Howard Simon,
deputy director of public affairs for the Partnership for a Drug-Free
America. "Is it certain that's the cause? No. There was a widespread
decriminalization movement in the 1970s which led to several states
reducing penalties associated with marijuana.... It would be hard to argue
that had anything to do with the Internet.

"Still, one can't discount the possible influence of the Internet in
spreading a pro-drug message -- or the 'nothing's working in the fight
against drugs' message that too often goes hand in hand with it. Of course,
that latter message isn't biased; it's just wrong."

Anti-marijuana crusaders in the Illinois legislature are so convinced that
the Internet is impeding noxious-weed-abatement efforts they've twice
introduced bills to make it illegal to transmit information about marijuana
over the Net. Had it not been defeated, the 2002 bill would have
criminalized posting information about using or growing marijuana to
websites, newsgroups, message boards, mailing lists and chat rooms.

Make no mistake, the measure on Nevada's November ballot is more about what
Simon would call legalization than decriminalization. Decriminalization
measures aim at reducing penalties or exempting a "special-interest" group
from current laws. The Nevada bill would treat marijuana in much the same
way as tobacco and alcohol. Possession (of up to three ounces) and use
would be legal for adults, but not minors. Driving under the influence
would be illegal and, as is increasingly the case with tobacco, smoking pot
in most public places would be prohibited.

Most important, the initiative, which would have to be passed twice in two
general elections to amend the state's constitution, would direct the
legislature to establish a system for the sale and taxation of marijuana.
This would make Nevada the only state giving black-thumbed citizens the
same legal access to getting high as world-class gardeners.

Surprisingly, this ultra-radical (or, according to its supporters,
ultra-rational) proposal is supported by the state's largest newspaper, the
Las Vegas Review-Journal, and the state's largest law-enforcement
organization, the Nevada Conference of Police and Sheriffs.

With the most recent polls indicating the vote would end in a draw if held
today, the NPP's Mirken is looking toward the Internet to help persuade

"When you are in opposition to a dominant policy it forces you to be more
creative," he says. "The Internet allows us to do huge amounts of
grassroots organizing instantly, a key advantage as we head toward November."

Prior to 2000, Nevadans could draw a multi-year prison sentence for
possession of one marijuana cigarette. Voters passed a medical-marijuana
decriminalization bill in 2000 and the 2001 legislature eliminated
incarceration as a penalty for possession of less than one ounce by
first-or second-time adult offenders.
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