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News (Media Awareness Project) - US NY: McCall Seeks Hispanic Votes
Title:US NY: McCall Seeks Hispanic Votes
Published On:2002-08-07
Source:New York Times (NY)
Fetched On:2008-01-22 21:08:33

This 30-second commercial, in Spanish, is the second in H. Carl McCall's
campaign for the Democratic nomination for governor. Two Spanish-language
television stations, Telemundo and Univision, began broadcasting the spot
yesterday. A similar radio commercial is also on the air.

PRODUCER GMMB and the MirRam Group

ON THE SCREEN The ad opens with Fernando Ferrer, the former Bronx borough
president, who mustered what many thought was a surprisingly strong showing
in his bid to become mayor last year. As he speaks, a series of
biographical images showing the highlights of Mr. McCall's career appear:
standing in an Army uniform with his mother, at his swearing-in as state
senator. It ends with him in his current position, state comptroller.
Scenes of Mr. McCall, the campaigner, follow: in a parade with Mr. Ferrer,
with youngsters, walking with an elderly man. Mr. Ferrer, who has been
narrating throughout, appears again at the end.

THE SCRIPT Mr. Ferrer says, in Spanish: "Carl McCall is one of our heroes.
He came from humble beginnings. He succeeded and became a state senator,
president of the Board of Education, ambassador, a bank vice president, and
today comptroller.

"We have always had in Carl McCall a friend who understands our families'
struggles. Carl McCall deserves our votes and our support."

ACCURACY Like Mr. McCall's first English-language commercial, this one
makes no claims beyond the basic facts of his biography, with one quibble:
although he did have the rank of ambassador, he was not the chief United
States representative to the United Nations. His title was representative
for special political affairs.

SCORECARD This advertisement capitalizes on two of Mr. McCall's strengths:
his leadership experience and his support among Democratic political
leaders. And it aims squarely at an important Democratic constituency,
Hispanic voters. By using Mr. Ferrer, Mr. McCall effectively broadcasts his
support among Hispanic leaders. Further, by emphasizing the bootstrap
quality of Mr. McCall's life, it establishes him as someone with a history
and with positions the average Hispanic voter can embrace. His Democratic
opponent, Andrew M. Cuomo, sent a similar message to black voters last
week, in a commercial that features Martin Luther King III, son of the
civil rights leader, and Adam Clayton Powell, son of a Harlem congressman.
But timing could be everything: Mr. McCall's ad started running the day
after Mr. Cuomo trumped him by taking a stronger stance against the
Rockefeller drug laws, an issue important to Hispanic voters.
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