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News (Media Awareness Project) - US NV: 2 PUB LTE, 3 LTE: Readers Continue Marijuana Debate
Title:US NV: 2 PUB LTE, 3 LTE: Readers Continue Marijuana Debate
Published On:2002-08-19
Source:Reno Gazette-Journal (NV)
Fetched On:2008-01-22 19:59:30

There has been a lot of discussion recently about the ballot issue
proposing the legalization of a minimal amount of marijuana in your
possession. In California, I smoked marijuana a few of times in the '70s
and really enjoyed the "high" it gave me. Everything was "cool," and the
"munchies" and sex were great when you were high. Of course, I smoked it
next door with my "groovy" neighbors, and we are all alive today. It must
be OK then, right?

Ever had a couple of beers or glasses of wine and got into a car to drive?
Made you a little nervous, right? Hey man, the buzz a joint gives you is
better than a couple of beers.

If a couple of beers make you a better driver, a joint can make you NASCAR

Wrong. Legalizing pot is just another step toward making our highways a
path of tears. If you are the least bit concerned about drunken driving,
the further legalization of pot should scare the hell out of you. Please
vote it down. We don't need another "substance" to make our highways less
safe than they already are.

Rick Combs, Sparks

It's very interesting that in the last couple of weeks the RGJ has
published two large articles about the marijuana initiative entitled
"Officials slam marijuana ballot question" (July 21) and "Snuff out
marijuana measures, drug czar urges" (July 25). However, when Nevada's
largest police association voted unanimously to endorse the marijuana
initiative, there was a tiny article of less than 60 words stashed under
"Briefly" in the local Reno section.

They failed to mention that in endorsing this initiative the president of
the Nevada Conference of Police and Sheriffs, Andy Andersen, said, "A
simple marijuana arrest takes a policeman off the street for half his
shift. Passage of this initiative will ensure that more police are on the
streets to protect our citizens from violent crimes and the threat of
terrorism." (Editor's note: Since this letter was written, the organization
has retracted its endorsement of the marijuana measure.)

When reporting the news it seems that the RGJ highlights the negative side
of this issue while downplaying the positive aspects.

Alison Thompson, Reno

In response to Amy Youngblood (Letters, Aug. 6):

She mentions, "If you need to get loaded, then buy some legalized alcohol
and to pay the price." How many more innocent victims of alcohol do we need
in this country, Ms. Youngblood? Death and carnage on our highways?
Families torn apart? Women and men beaten and abused by spouses. Children
slaughtered and abused by family members? Must they pay the price? They all
do every day.

Its time people like you understand what alcohol does to the human spirit
and to soaring medical costs. My background is law enforcement. I have seen
it all. What I haven't seen is that kind of destruction regarding the use
of cannabis. I personally do not drink or smoke. Let's wake up to the
truth; its time has come.

Gary Newton, Reno

The dictionary defines a mistake as: "a wrong idea or judgment." That is
what I think Question 9, which will appear on the Nov. 5 ballot, is: a big

As a counselor for the Washoe County School District and as a parent, I
work hard to educate my students and children about the dangers and
consequences of taking illegal and legal drugs.

What message are we sending our youth if this initiative passes? That it is
OK to take drugs? If marijuana becomes legal, then what drug is next?

It is well known that marijuana is a gateway drug: Often smoking marijuana
leads to using harder drugs.

Some people believe that pot is not harmful and it can't hurt you. They are
grossly mistaken. The strength of the ingredients in pot has become more
potent the last several years. Also, scientific research is proving the
harmful consequences smoking pot has on the body.

Let's not make a mistake. Instead, let's think about this generation and
the next. Let us all use our better judgment and vote no to legalize marijuana.

Theresa Jempsa, Reno

With the debate over whether or not marijuana should be legalized, we have
missed the main point.

Save the lip service about medicinal uses. We are all aware of them, and it
is already legalized for its use. It has been used and studied for years
for this use and will continue to be.

Save me the rhetoric about its ability to spawn imagination and creativity.
Why do you think so many starving artists and musicians are starving?

I cannot for the life of me seem to understand why the proponents are not
mentioning the great benefits of the marijuana plant as a whole. Nothing is
said for its use for clothing.

Nothing is said about the fact that hemp oil is one of the most beneficial,
heart-healthy oils in existence, if not the best. These questions are not
asked because they are non-issues. We are not discussing its benefits to
society as a whole; we are discussing its benefit to the individual, of
which there is truly only one, to sedate the individual.

Please save your breath: The real reason proponents want legalization is
for enjoyment of the smoking of the marijuana leaf. Please save us from
this madness!

Clifton Kump, Reno
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