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News (Media Awareness Project) - US: Press Release: Conyers Questions DEA on Use of Federal Funds for Political P
Title:US: Press Release: Conyers Questions DEA on Use of Federal Funds for Political P
Published On:2002-08-23
Source:Congressman John Conyers
Fetched On:2008-01-22 13:53:46
From the office of: Congressman John Conyers, Jr. Fourteenth District,

Ranking Member, House Judiciary Committee
Dean of the Congressional Black Caucus

Contact - Deanna Maher (313) 961-5670 Cell: (313) 737-7944
Ted Kalo, Judiciary Committee (202) 225-6906



Detroit, MI - Congressman John Conyers, Jr. has requested an immediate
investigation by the head of the Drug Enforcement Agency of the U.S.
Department of Justice, Asa Hutchinson, of DEA's possible misuse of federal
funds without proper authorization by Congress and in contravention of
existing law..

Conyers said: "It appears that the DEA has been actively engaged across the
country in collaboration with groups who are opposed to ballot proposals
involving reform of our drug laws. Michigan is one of the states which will
have a proposal of this kind on its November ballot. Citizens opposed to
this kind of ballot initiative clearly are permitted to campaign and lobby
in support of their point of view in an effort to win public support for
their position. This is what our democracy is all about. But it is far
from clear whether federally funded agencies and their employees can be
used to spread a message or promote a campaign for or against a ballot
initiative, on federal property and on government time."

"The use of our local DEA office by those opposed to the Drug Reform ballot
initiative seems clearly in violation of Section 601 of Public Law 107-77
(November 28, 2001), which clearly states that no part of any appropriation
for DEA can be used for 'publicity or propaganda purposes' not authorized
by Congress".

"I am concerned that DEA has actively been involved in a campaign, both
locally and nationally, to oppose drug reform proposals which have been
properly and legally put before the citizens of this state for their
approval or rejection. There seems little doubt that the appropriations
for DEA are specifically prohibited from being used for this purpose. This
apparently unlawful involvement of the DEA to promote a political agenda
must cease immediately. We cannot allow the integrity of our national
government to be compromised for any purpose, regardless of the intent of
these over zealous federal activists. I am shocked that judges in
violation of their Canon of Ethics would participate as well."
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