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News (Media Awareness Project) - Colombia: The Weedkiller War
Title:Colombia: The Weedkiller War
Published On:2002-09-07
Source:Economist, The (UK)
Fetched On:2008-01-22 02:44:40

A Big New Effort To Repress The Cocaine Industry

BOGOTA - Last year, some 35,000 peasant farmers in the Colombian department
of Putumayo, the world's largest single source of cocaine, signed pacts
agreeing to pull up their coca bushes within 12 months in re-turn for
government aid. Thousands com-plied; many more did not-not least be- cause
aid was slow to arrive. Now Colombia's new government, supported by the
United States, is all but scrapping this policy of voluntary eradication in
favour of a big new push to spray coca fields with herbicide. After a
decade in which coca production steadily rose in Colombia, American
officials say that this year they will finally start to get on top of it.

Alvaro Uribe, who took office as Colombia's president a month ago, has made
containing the country's guerrillas his top priority. The United States
Congress recently approved an administration re-quest to allow American
military aid, previously targeted against the drug trade, to be used
against the insurgents. But officials from both countries insist that
fighting drugs is an integral part of tackling the illegal armies (of
right-wing paramilitaries as well as left-wing guerrillas) which profit
from and protect the cocaine trade.

That was the logic of plan Colombia, a scheme backed with $1.3 billion in
American aid in 2000. Only now are its full effects starting to be felt:
extra crop-dusting aircraft (to spray coca fields), and helicopters to
protect them and to destroy drug-processing labs, are arriving. Since July
28th, they have sprayed 20,000 hectares (49,400 acres) of coca in Putumayo.
That compares with just 5,000 hectares eradicated voluntarily.

Even before the latest spraying campaign, there were some signs that coca
output in Colombia was declining. Last November, the latest annual survey
by the UN Drug Control Programme found that the coca crop had fallen by
11%, to 145,000 hectares. American officials reported a slight fall in the
purity of Colombian cocaine. But Klaus Nyholm, the UNDCP'S I man in
Colombia, says he has "more than a hunch" that the productivity of the
country's coca fields has risen over the past five years, meaning that more
cocaine could be coming from fewer hectares.

Andres Pastrana, Mr. Uribe's predecessor, was reluctant to authorize
all-out spraying. He feared that this would prejudice abortive peace talks
with the FARC, the main guerrilla group, which controls much of Putumayo
and neighboring Caqueta. And critics say that spraying dam- ages human
health and the environment-as well as wiping out adjacent food crops.
Officials counter that glyphosate, the herbicide involved, is harmless to
health, and that the coca industry itself does huge ecological damage.
Under Mr. Pastrana, only commercial coca plantations, of three hectares or
more, rather than family farms were supposed to be sprayed. Now there have
been reports that this restriction has been dropped.

Although some of his advisers are said to be nervous about driving more
coca farmers into the ranks of the FARC, Mr. Uribe insists that spraying is
needed. "If we don't destroy drugs, they will destroy our democracy and
ecology", he says. On September 3rd, he issued a decree speeding up the
procedure for confiscating drug traffickers' assets. He is also keen on
shooting down drug planes. According to Francisco Santos, the
vice-president, a score of clandestine flights each week carry drugs to
Venezuela, returning with arms. Such aircraft were routinely intercepted,
with CIA help, until an incident last year in which an American missionary
and her baby were killed when their plane was shot down in Peru. American
officials say they will soon authorize the resumption of the shoot-down

As for providing coca farmers with alternatives, Mr. Uribe says he supports
"practical" projects, such as forestry. Few legal crops flourish in
Putumayo, which is remote and has poor soils. Mr. Uribe is due to travel to
Europe this month to seek $300m in foreign aid to help 50,000 peasant
families, two-thirds of them in Putumayo. But European governments, while
criticizing spraying, have not reached into their pockets to back the
alternatives they claim to favour. Out of $1l3m pledged since 1996 to
Plante, the Colombian agency for alternative development, $104m has come
from the United States.

Opponents of spraying argue for a more patient approach. "You can spray a
field in five minutes, but development takes more like five years," says
Mr. Nyholm "When you spray, often the farmer replants coca, either on the
same field or further into the forest." Putumayo's governor, Ivan Guerrero,
says that voluntary eradication, and Mr. Pastrana's investment in roads and
health posts in the area, led residents of his long-neglected department
"to believe in the state again". He hopes farmers will voluntarily rip up a
further 5,000 hectares by the end of the year. But under the new policy,
officials hope to spray 121,000 hectares this year, up from 94,000 hectares
last year-and faster than the rate of replanting, they claim. Whether that
will hurt the FARC, and the other armed groups, more than it helps them,
remains to be seen. And even if the Colombian coca crop falls
significantly, all the signs are that Peru and Bolivia will take up the
slack. Even if the Andean drug war has indeed entered a new phase, it is
nowhere near over. .
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