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News (Media Awareness Project) - Colombia: Coca Spraying Poses No Risk To Colombians, US
Title:Colombia: Coca Spraying Poses No Risk To Colombians, US
Published On:2002-09-06
Source:New York Times (NY)
Fetched On:2008-01-22 02:41:09

WASHINGTON, Sept. 5 -- The American-financed aerial destruction of coca
crops in Colombia meets United States regulatory standards and does not
endanger people or the environment, the State Department said today in a
report to Congress.

The department's antinarcotics bureau, which oversees the program,
concluded that the herbicides used and the manner in which they are applied
"do not pose unreasonable risks or adverse effects to humans or the
environment." Advertisement

That determination, which was immediately deplored by some environmental
groups, could free money from Congress for an aggressive advance in the
effort to eradicate coca at its source. The department has set a goal of
killing up to 300,000 acres of coca this year, 30 percent more than last year.

The month-old government of President Alvaro Uribe has given American
officials wide latitude in carrying out the spraying, which will involve 18
crop-dusting planes by year's end. But the program, which began in 1994,
has been trailed by controversy, both because of the unknown health effects
in Colombia and by its failure to curb the overall amount of coca being grown.

Senator Patrick J. Leahy, Vermont Democrat and chairman of the
appropriations subcommittee that finances the operation, said he would need
to study the report before releasing about $17 million needed to buy the
herbicide mixture.

Mr. Leahy froze that money in legislation approved earlier this year. The
law requires that the State Department certify that the eradication program
meets the regulatory controls required in the United States and does not
threaten the public's health or the environment.

"There are reports of health problems and food crops destroyed from the
fumigation," Mr. Leahy said. "Spraying a toxic chemical over large areas,
including where people live and livestock graze, would not be tolerated in
our country. We should not be spraying first and asking questions later."

In preparing its report, the State Department was required to consult with
the Department of Agriculture and the Environmental Protection Agency.
While Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman reported that the health risk
was "minimal," the E.P.A. was less categorical, and State Department
officials refused to say whether they considered the agency's position as

In a review forwarded by Stephen L. Johnson, the assistant administrator,
the agency said the main ingredient in the herbicide used in Colombia,
glyphosate, known by the trade name Roundup, is widely used in the United
States with "no unreasonable adverse effects."

But the E.P.A. noted that an additive in glyphostae could cause acute eye
irritation. In the United States, the agency said, the herbicide is
typically sprayed from low-flying helicopters, not planes, and steps should
be taken to avoid having it drift away from the target areas.
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