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News (Media Awareness Project) - US MI: Saying No to the War on Drugs
Title:US MI: Saying No to the War on Drugs
Published On:2002-10-16
Source:The Metro Times (MI)
Fetched On:2008-01-21 22:24:12

Conference Highlights Hypocrisy and Injustice.

It was 6:30 on a Friday night on the University of Michigan Ann Arbor
campus. Students savored the last breath of summer and lounged on
porches, sipping beverages from plastic mugs. At one house on State
Street, a trio of young men sparked up a joint in plain view and
brazenly passed it around.

Although such indiscreet use of marijuana is not an uncommon sight in
Ann Arbor, home of the annual Hash Bash, the men could have faced
serious repercussions if busted. Like complete loss of all financial
aid or, in a worst-case scenario, a long prison sentence.

The war on drugs has accumulated many horror stories, accounts like
that of Chrissy Taylor, who at age 19 was sentenced to 20 years for
conspiracy to manufacture methamphetamine, because her boyfriend
coerced her into picking up a shipment of chemicals. Stories like that
of Robert Booker, a first-time offender who was sentenced to life
imprisonment for drug conspiracy.

The Journey for Justice is committed to spreading these very stories
across the nation, heightening public awareness of the thousands of
severe penalties doled out each year for nonviolent drug convictions.
The combined effort of two national organizations, the November
Coalition and Common Sense for Drug Policy, the Journey for Justice
will tour the nation for four years, highlighting the injustices of
current drug policy and calling for reform. The kickoff of the tour
took place last weekend with a Friday lecture in Ann Arbor and a
Saturday forum in Detroit.

Organizers say the drug war is a fallacy that has caused countless
injustices, wasted tax dollars, invoked sexist and racist policies and
resulted in thousands of draconian sentences for victimless crimes.
The Journey for Justice is calling for a complete re-examination of
the nation's current war against drugs, and is attempting to organize
a grassroots constituency through public education and discussion.
Proponents are not interested in highlighting one particular drug or
cause; instead, they want to draw attention to the drug war as a whole
- - especially the issues of incarceration vs. treatment and creating
alternatives to current policy.

"War on People"

A group of varied ages and races, some clad in tie dye, others in
crisp suits, filed into a U-M lecture hall. In a morose version of a
family album, photos flipped by on an overhead screen, snapshots of
men and women with their families, subtitled with such phrases as
"marijuana conspiracy -- 20 years" and "cocaine conspiracy -- life

Nora Callahan is executive director of the November Coalition. She
initially became involved in drug policy reform when her brother was
convicted on a drug charge 14 years ago. He has 13 years left to serve.

"The drug war is a fraud," Callahan repeated again and again. "This
isn't a war on drugs, it's a war on people."

Callahan said one of the fundamental problems with the drug war is the
focus on punishment and incarceration. She lamented that drug users
are treated as criminals, not as people suffering from a disease.
Callahan said the massive amount of government money used to jail
offenders would be better spent if funneled into treatment programs
for addicts.

"Treatment dollars in the U.S. were seven times more effective than
money spent trying to eradicate drug use at the source," she said,
quoting a study from the RAND Corporation.

It's no secret that the drug war is big business, on both sides of the
equation. Callahan feels the enormous sums invested into the war on
drugs are simply going up in smoke.

"Tax dollars are paying for a system that causes more harm than any
illegal drugs ever did," said Callahan.

Callahan would eventually like to see illegal drugs regulated in the
same manner as prescription drugs, which she feels would make the
illicit drug trade unprofitable.

"We need to take the profit out of the drug war, plain and

Callahan feels drug users are unfairly targeted and sentenced by race
and gender. She says police use racial profiling when searching for
drugs, causing an inordinate number of minorities to be imprisoned.
Callahan says women are likely to face longer sentences than men,
because the system is "informant based," which she is against. In
addition, she says women often hold lesser roles in the drug trade,
and know little about bigger players in a network.

"When it comes time to barter for freedom by testifying against
others, they don't have any info," she says. "That's the only way to
get a sentence reduction. Tell on three, go free."

Another major problem: Drug offenders are sent en masse to prison,
where drugs are widely accessible.

"The place you can easiest find drugs in America is in the prison
system," said U.S. Rep. John Conyers, D-Detroit, during day two of the
conference in Detroit.

"I smoked pot all throughout prison," said activist Chuck Armsbury of
the November Coalition.

Support for Reform

Historically, the state of Michigan has not placed an overwhelming
priority on drug policy reform. Debra Wright, co-chair of the Drug
Policy Forum of Michigan, said too few lawmakers are interested.

"There's more support [for drug law reform] amongst the people than
the legislators. They're behind the eight ball," she said. "There's a
lot of people in the city of Detroit that see and feel the damage
caused by the war on drugs, so there is a lot of support behind it."

U.S. Rep. Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick, D-Detroit, spoke in favor of
ending the drug war at the Detroit panel. Detroit Chief of Police
Jerry Oliver was unable to attend, but criticized the drug war in a
recent op-ed piece in the Detroit News.

Wayne County Sheriff Robert Ficano was not in attendance, and does not
support legalization or regulation of any currently illegal drugs for
any reason. And he believes incarceration is still an important factor
in cracking down on drugs.

"Should there be more treatment? Sure," he said during a phone
interview. "What it really should be is a combination of prevention,
treatment and enforcement. You don't use punishment as the full
arsenal. There's a number of arrows in the quiver -- incarceration is
just one of them."

Ficano believes legalizing or regulating drugs would not

"If you legalize drugs, you'll see insurance rates go up, because
you'll see more people who need treatment. If you just let the market
open up and say 'here, it's legal, try it,' you'll have more substance
abuse problems," he said.

"If you have someone on the street who can't afford the drug and
craves it, whether it's on the street or they can go buy it at
Rite-Aid, if they don't have the money they're still going to have to
commit the crime to get it."

Inveterate User

Renee Emry-Wolfe is a criminal.

The 42-year-old mother of four mirthfully tells this to anyone,
without a tinge of shame in her voice. Clad in a sunshine yellow top
and flowered pants, Emry-Wolfe has a deep scratch on her nose and two
blackened eyes. The Ann Arbor resident has multiple sclerosis, and the
injuries were sustained in a fall. In addition to difficulty walking,
Emry-Wolfe suffers from muscle spasms and pain. She is currently on
probation for growing marijuana, a drug which she claims is the only
satisfactory treatment for her symptoms.

Emry-Wolfe was diagnosed with MS at the age of 19, and quickly
prescribed a cocktail of heavy medications, which she says made her
physically ill and reduced her to a stupor.

"In '85 I told them to put their drugs where the sun didn't shine,"
she said cheerfully.

Frustrated with the avenue of traditional medicine, she decided to try
her friends' suggestion of smoking marijuana, and has been steadily
using to this day -- and racking up a rap sheet in the process.

Emry-Wolfe has been busted several times for possession and growing
her own personal supply of medical marijuana. She also garnered
national attention in 1999 when she protested a congressman's
anti-medical marijuana initiative by lighting up a joint in his
Washington, D.C., office. She was hauled off in handcuffs, but
received only a slap on the wrist.

Emry-Wolfe is angry that her only source of treatment comes with
criminal repercussions, but remains committed to spreading her message
to lawmakers on a personal level.

"The only arrests or convictions I have are for growing my medicine,"
she said.

At the Detroit discussion, she used both hands to lift her body from
her seat so she could stand while addressing Conyers.

"If I have to talk to every one of you one at a time," she told him,
"I will."
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