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News (Media Awareness Project) - US FL: Stockbroker Using Uncle Sam's Medical Marijuana For 20 Years
Title:US FL: Stockbroker Using Uncle Sam's Medical Marijuana For 20 Years
Published On:2002-11-21
Source:Naples Daily News (FL)
Fetched On:2008-01-21 19:16:02

FORT LAUDERDALE - A breeze billows the pungent smoke from the marijuana
cigarette around his face, and Irvin Rosenfeld immediately feels better.

A stock broker, Rosenfeld deals with millions of dollars while smoking up
to 12 joints daily - marijuana he gets from the federal government to treat
a rare bone ailment.

"It has made my life much easier to live and kept my condition in check,"
Rosenfeld said Wednesday, 20 years to the day he received his first
marijuana shipment from the government under a program which today has only
six other members.

Marijuana in any form is illegal in the United States, though dozens of
states have passed or considered laws directed at marijuana reforms.

Rosenfeld, 49, suffers from two rare conditions which cause tumors to grow
on his long bones. They cause severe muscle spasms, internal bleeding and
unbearable pain. He would be unable to walk at any time because his muscles
would give out.

He spent more than 15 years taking prescription drugs, including morphine.
But they couldn't prevent late night spasms and the constant pain which
made his life a nightmare.

"He would scream out in the middle of the night and I would wake up, and
he'd be dragging himself on the floor," said his wife, Debbie. (Marijuana)
has given us a better life together."

Rosenfeld, with his doctor's support, was placed in Uncle Sam's medical
marijuana program in 1982. The program stopped accepting new patients in 1992.

He says he hasn't had a new tumor since and plays softball once a week,
though he uses a designated runner. He gets 11 ounces of marijuana, rolled
in cigarettes, delivered monthly to a local pharmacy, and he only pays
courier costs. Marijuana is now his only medicine.

"I could never pay enough taxes to repay the government for what it has
done for me," Rosenfeld said, estimating it would have cost $800,000 to
keep him on various conventional medications.

In the next breath, Rosenfeld chastises the government for failing to
recognize cannabis as a medicine, and letting people "suffer needlessly."

"There are hundreds of thousands of people who want marijuana to feel
better, not to get high," said Rosenfeld. "People who are using it for
medicine are being put in jail."

Marijuana law easements failed in three states in November, though eight
states have approved medical marijuana and 35 states have passed
legislation recognizing marijuana's medicinal value despite the federal

In the past year, DEA agents have raided several medical marijuana
providers in California, mostly without support from local law enforcement.

Rosenfeld wants the federal government to begin compassionate care programs
where universities would provide marijuana for those suffering from AIDS,
multiple sclerosis, cancer and other debilitating diseases, while
researching its effects.

He claims he never has gotten high from the weed.

"If I want to feel euphoria, I'll drink a little Jack Daniels," he joked.
"I'm not some drug crazed hippie."

Rosenfeld has had run-ins with police and other legal battles. He was
arrested in Orlando in 1983 for smoking in a restroom during a business
convention. The charges were eventually dropped and his record cleared.

He's been stopped by officers while smoking in his car, but he's let go
once he displays his prescription. People give him funny looks when smoking
in airports or other public places, and some have asked to bum a drag. He
doesn't let them.

Rosenfeld also is suing Delta Airlines, saying an employee told him he
could not board the plane with his canister of legal cannabis. A trial has
not been scheduled.

Dr. Ethan Russo wrote an article on Rosenfeld after giving him a battery of
tests over a two day period. Russo, a neurologist in Missoula, Mont., said
Rosenfeld has normal lung capacity and a functioning immune system.

"The cannabis he receives acts as a muscle relaxant and an analgesic,"
Russo said. "It reduces pain at the tissue level, and the spinal cord and
brain levels."

Rosenfeld exhibits none of the lethargy, lack of short term memory or other
common effects of marijuana. He makes sure to tell every one of his new
clients about his treatment.

Rosenfeld smoked marijuana as a treatment for several years before joining
the federal program, buying from dealers on the street. If the president
should decide to stop providing the cannabis, then he would be forced to
get it illegally, he said.

He gets support from his family and members of his synagogue, and is
vehement that science, not politics or big business, should determine what
medicine is legal.

"It's up to the patient to decide his quality of life," he said.
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