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News (Media Awareness Project) - US WA: Partial Transcript From Ujaama Statements
Title:US WA: Partial Transcript From Ujaama Statements
Published On:2002-11-23
Source:Rocky Mountain News (Denver, CO)
Fetched On:2008-01-21 19:06:38

[Rocky Mountain News] Editor's note: Text that appears in bold was added
for clarification.

[Map Editors note: bolded text placed in parenthesis since bold format not

RockyMountainNewsSource: This transcript is courtesy of NEWS4

The disbelievers are united against us. And that unless the Muslims, all of
us unite under one (word), one chief Muslim ruler, there will be great
Fidla, war, and the spread of (word).

It was not long ago that the Christians launched a crusade against the
Muslims, the Jews and even other Christians. Today they are back in Egypt
and turkey and Algeria and Sudan, Somalia, Iraq, and even the Islamic land,
the holy land of Mecca and medina.

Today their crusade is against Islam, and they are led by the Jews, because
they are misguided and they are astray. They have none to guide them, and
they are used in Israel's long-awaited campaign to destroy Islam and to
dominate the world.

The disbelievers will never cease attacking you, until they turn you back
from your religion. So Abdullah Assam (former spiritual mentor of bin laden
in Pakistan) was killed in a car explosion by Kufar for leading the Muslims
in Pakistan. Sheik Abdul Rahman (blind sheikh behind first w.t.c bombing)
was framed by a paid informant for the Kufar and later sentenced by a Jew
to life in prison. He is currently under heavy guard and in total
isolation. This is no way for a Muslim sheik to live out his life --
without proper food or medicine or any provisions. Rarely is he given any

Leader of Bosnian Mujahadeen sheikh Osama bin laden was framed and forced
into isolation. Having to leave his own land, his family -- then used as a
scapegoat to arrest many Muslims who speak out against (word) in their lands.

(Ujaama & Hamza At Conference On Afghanistan -- Finsbury Park Mosque, London.)

Sheikh Abu Hamza arrested in the middle of the night during a police raid
on his home. His family harassed and oppressed, all because he chose to
speak out against the evil rulers living in the Muslim lands and their
helpers. Today the government has still not given him back his passport.

Another Imam

There is a pattern with all the attempts to assassinate, to rid the Islamic
uma of its leaders. To silence our leaders.

Imam leads largest congregation of Muslims. North America.... They're
encouraged to speak and learn about jihad. So what was his crime? Turning
drug dealers and thugs into proper Muslims read to die for Islam!! Alerting
these Kufar. So this is why he is sitting in prison and they are trying to
charge him with a crime in which they are seeking the death penalty.

These same Kufar are putting drugs on our streets, and they have made it
legal what Allah has forbidden! They have legalized homosexuality! And they
hope to teach their children safe sex. And they want to teach our children
that it's ok to live with homosexuality and prostitution! They have made
prostitution a way of life! And they have even made it fashionable! They
poison the water, they pollute the skies, they kill plant and animal life
for sport! And they kill innocent women and children in the name of
progress. They want you to join them and they are after your children.

You the Muslims are the enemies of the Kufar. So they have integrated you
into their society to mix freely and be one of them with rights. Yet these
rights are not to be compared with Islamic rights. They steal from you and
assassinate your leaders and take your land and help select new rulers over

There will be no change in their ways, and there should be no change in the
way of jihad !

Why do we live with the enemy and why do we support them?

(Iiaama & Hamza In London Mosque)

Ujaama: it used to be, brothers and sisters, that there was no Islamic
state and there was nowhere else to go. It used to be that the west was a
better place to be than the lands where Muslims once thrived. But what
about now?

It is incumbent upon all of you, the Muslims, to ignore the borders and the
boundaries which the Kufar have laid down on the earth for the sole purpose
of dividing us and preventing us from making hidra. So the border between
Pakistan and Afghanistan, we the Muslims do not recognize this.

So today, when there is no Islamic state, Allah has blessed us, the Muslims
- - has rescued us with a shining lamp in this darkness of doubt and that
lamp, my brothers and sisters, in Afghanistan.

Allah has blessed Afghanistan to be the return of the Muslim movment.the
Muslims were able to unite the country under the Taliban and under the
leadership of emir ... Mullah Omar. So today, Afghanistan is the only
country in the world that has shariah.

It is compulsory upon all the Muslims all over the world to help
Afghanistan, to help. Islamic state.... It is from this land that we will
prepare ourselves to revive the uma of Muhammad. And to rescue the world!
The children! And the women and the rest and the weak who are crying out
for our help! From the evil hand of today's Christian crusaders, led by the

The Jews, they know, and the have an evil plan to destroy Islam! They do
not know that the Muslims will fight! Until the day of and they will not be
successful over Islam and the Muslims and the Mujaihiadeen and the fighting
that's now in Chechnya, and the fighting that's now in Russia -as Russia
was a lesson; so shall be a lesson from the Mujahadeen. Tomorrow's
Mujahadeen will come out of the land of the Islamic state.

We beg Allah to enlist us as among those who go and help the Islamic state.
Not talk about Islam, not talk about people there, not make excuses, but go
out and help. Roll up our sleeves and go to work, go to help.

There are many Muslims who have forgotten that the Jews and the Christians,
they are our enemies, and they're fighting us.

(Ujaama & Hamza In London Mosque)

They slander Islam, they slander Mujahadeen, they slander our leaders, and
they slander the Islamic state.

This conference is dedicated to ending this. Enshallah.today's talk with
sheik Abu Hamza will attempt. To answer all the questions about the Islamic
state, the Islamic emirate of Afghanistan.

(Hamza Speech)

Want to thank my brother Bilal for his (unclear word)and very comprehensive

The propaganda against Islam and Muslims is led by the Americans, who are
actually manipulated by Jews in reality.

Afghanistan is a very special case

(Ujaama & Hamza In London Mosque)

I apologize, because I've been a Muslim for a little over three years now,
and I've looked deeply into this whole subject of "hidra". Away from these
people.... There are many Muslims who cannot leave and want to leave -to
know oppression and to be angry all your life, and when you find Islam it's
such a beautiful thing - and to want Islam and to go where the Muslims are,
even if it's a small portion of Islam.

When you're walking down the street and you see billboards that are full of
nudity, how can you have a happy life? With this type of glorified

We should be very afraid and want to leave. So this conference is about:
how can we leave, what can we do as Muslims to come together?

Who knows? I may show up in Pakistan. Because I do not make any compromises
or apologies whatsoever about the fact that yes I have been to Afghanistan.
I saw the Islam being implemented there, and what I saw I liked.

Ujaama: "Explain how to get there. Can women train?"

Hamza: Women are training.but sometimes, because of the system their on the
front line, it's not nice - snakes and scorpions

(Ujaama & Hamza In London Mosque)

(Ujaama reads question about a woman getting acid thrown on her because she
wasn't wearing black. "What kind of Islam is that?")

Ujaama: I wanna answer this question, because I was a bit naive when I went
up there and I didn't go up there for. But I had so many conflicting
stories; so much stuff told to me that was wrong. I had to go up there and
see for myself, and I'm glad that I did go there and see for myself. now I
took advantage of all the learning that took place up there. One thing I
will tell you, enshallah, there is a lot of scare that is brought to you
that women are oppressed - all of these things rubbish things that I hear.
First of all women had more money there than the men did, and they were
always shopping. That is number one. I thought that they were not
oppressed. But you didn't see them out naked and out in the open behaving
like the women here today, etc.

What I saw were a lot of bombed out buildings. People carry on the way they
normally do.

Hamza: you rarely see Islamic women wearing black. They love yellow and
blue. They love busy colors there.

Ujaama: a lot of news comes out of Pakistan. And you know Pakistan is not
the safest place or the most trust worthy place in the world to be. Fact
is, we get a lot of news that is just not correct news, and that's to scare
you away from that place (Afghanistan). If that easy, then everybody would
be going over there and they don't want you to be going over there.

(Another man stands and asks a question.)

Ujaama: we're holoing this conference for the Muslim brothers and the
Muslim sisters who want to leave. And we should be very careful that we
watch our tongues and the slander of Muslims -- the slander of. Muslims!
You mention Afghanistan! I was in Afghanistan, and I prayed next to a
seeing, believing Muslim, enshallah, because he laid out his mat and he
invited me to and we didn't even speak the same language! Ok? We couldn't
even speak the same language! And I hate, I hate it really bad when
somebody says something bad, a slander against my Muslim brothers. Even my
own self, I must watch out what I'm saying.
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