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News (Media Awareness Project) - US CA: Debating the Use of Medical Marijuana
Title:US CA: Debating the Use of Medical Marijuana
Published On:2007-05-05
Source:Burbank Leader (CA)
Fetched On:2008-01-12 06:47:35
In Theory:


Clergy in Illinois are supporting the legalization of medical
marijuana, arguing that its use in treating pain and nausea
associated with chemotherapy treatments for cancer, the pain of
multiple sclerosis and other conditions is moral. What do you think?

I tend to side with the Illinois clergy.

True, some of them may be duped by those who want free pot anywhere
and everywhere. But I think the relieving of suffering is of
paramount importance. Also, part of me wants to say, "What's the big
deal? We have legalized drugs now that we can purchase in our
supermarkets." I am speaking, of course, of alcohol; we can buy as
much as we want, and drink as much as we want. I think the same ought
to be true for marijuana. Maybe there should be a prescription
attached; I don't know. But why should there be no laws against
alcohol consumption but stringent laws against marijuana consumption?

The argument might be made that marijuana leads to the consumption of
stronger drugs, but I'm not sure that assertion can be proven. Does
the consumption of one drink lead to the consumption of 70? I doubt
it. Look, an addict is an addict is an addict; I know, because I have
addiction in my family. A law prohibiting the consumption of
something will not stop the person determined to have it. Also, the
war on drugs has not been particularly successful. What do you say we
relax the anti-marijuana stance for a while in favor of allowing the
sick and/or the terminally ill a little relief? That and a little
chicken soup couldn't hurt.


Congregational Church of the Lighted Window

United Church of Christ

La Canada Flintridge

The use of mind-altering herbs and plants in order to experience
religious visions is ancient. Native North Americans used many
flowers, leaves and roots as part of religious ceremony.

)From the use of peyote in the Southwest to the Rastafarian use of
Indian hemp in Jamaica, each has used, and still uses today,
mind-altering herbs and plants for religious rituals.

Scientologists do not practice any use of alcohol, drugs or herbs in
order to achieve spiritual enlightenment. In fact, Scientologists are
aware that people today are living in a drug and chemical age wherein
the use of medicinal, psychiatric and recreational drugs in society
has reached epidemic proportions. Drugs interfere with perception,
reduce learning rate, cloud thinking and generally make a person less
able to cope with life and those around him.

Our founder, L. Ron Hubbard, researched the harmful physical, mental
and spiritual effects of drugs.

He declared, "The planet has hit a barrier, which prevents any
widespread social progress -- drugs and other biochemical substances.
These can put people into a condition, which not only prohibits and
destroys physical health but which can prevent any stable advancement
in mental or spiritual well-being."

Since the 1970s, the Church of Scientology has offered a
detoxification program, which rids a person of pollutants, drug
residues and toxins in the body and has also supported effective drug
rehab Narconon programs, which help a person recover fully from
addictions by addressing the causes of addiction.

Drug-free is the Scientology path to salvation.


Volunteer Minister

Glendale Church of Scientology

Though some will argue that making marijuana available for medical
purposes is the first step down the slippery slope that will lead to
the legalization of marijuana for all, the real issue here is
relieving the suffering of individuals who have either chronic or
terminal health situations. Doctors prescribe powerful drugs like
morphine in hospice care and in other situations to address the pain
of the dying or those recovering from serious illnesses. Morphine and
other such drugs, though addictive, are dispensed when needed and
face tough regulations by the Food and Drug Administration.

I have heard the testimony of individuals who claim that medical
marijuana provides relief to health conditions that other medication
doesn't offer. A humane society should do all possible to address the
pain and suffering of its members. The abuse of prescription
medication by some people does not mean that the relief from pain
should not be denied to those who benefit from its use. Those opposed
to the use of medical marijuana might feel different when they
themselves benefit from its use.



Church of the Incarnation


There is no logical reason for any human being to endure needless pain.

Jewish teachings require us to explore and embrace medical
innovation, including ways to alleviate pain. Judaism also compels us
to follow the laws of the land -- and since medicinal marijuana is
legal in California, it is presumably all right to use for pain relief.

However, I question the usefulness of marijuana for medicinal
purposes, since I tend to believe that there are other pain-relief
methods that can be equally effective and pose less of a threat to
society. I suspect that in states where marijuana is legal, abuse
becomes commonplace as people who aren't really suffering gain access
to the drug under false pretenses. And for legitimate patients, there
is a strong risk that even when the pain subsides, an addiction will
remain. While this is true of any addictive substance, marijuana can
be far easier to acquire and can therefore pose a greater challenge
to a borderline addict.

Religious teachings encourage us to improve ourselves by using our
minds and tapping into the spiritual energy found within. This
requires effort through meditation, concentrated study and refinement
of thought. By contrast, mind-altering drugs effectively hold the
mind hostage; they undermine our ability to think freely and clearly.
Rather than promoting a substance like marijuana that can do more
harm than good, the clergy should encourage those in pain to find a
safer source of relief.


Chabad Jewish Center

It's no secret that my position on this weekly In Theory discussion
panel is one of conservative Christianity. My readers expect from me
evaluations from a Biblically Evangelical perspective. Today is no
different, but eyebrows will raise with some of my constituency
because this is one of those issues that has been summarily judged
for non-discussion by many, and I take a risk just weighing in.
Simply consider this particular article a matter of thinking aloud,
and that thinking be allowed with regard to the subject.

The controlled substance in question here has been trafficked,
smuggled and even solicited to children. It's been charged with
causing dependence, lethargy and stupor. Conversely, it's been hailed
as a natural, pleasant and helpful herb, which doesn't necessitate
the societal or physiological ills mentioned.

God made vegetation for our nourishment and healing. We wouldn't
smoke poison ivy, but we've developed aspirin from willow, salve from
aloe and most of us awake with coffee. Medical morphine derives from
poppies, and cocaine (which used to add wallop to colas, but is now
used as surgical anesthetic) is made from coca leaves. Here is yet
another vegetable that may have a helpful, albeit controversial,
place in society's medicine cabinet.

The moral difficulty, I believe, centers on recreational abuse and
perceived negative side effects. Christians are quick to quote Titus
2:6 about being "sober-minded" and Ephesians 5:18, "be not drunk."
Yet, taking medication is almost universally accepted as morally
unquestionable, and Biblically speaking, alcohol, which may easily
inebriate, is not forbidden within moderation, and is actually
prescribed for medicinal purposes (see 1 Timothy 5:23). Look, nobody
wants a dopey population, but do we want criminals made of friends
and family who are legitimately seeking remedy from ailments,
especially over some wildflower that God created perhaps for that very purpose?


Senior Pastor

MontroseCommunity Church.org

Every medication, whether derived naturally from the earth or
formulated in a lab, has risks and benefits.

One downside of the use of drugs to treat diseases and their symptoms
is the possibility of physical or psychological addiction. In today's
society, it is understandable that policy-makers, as well as the
public, may feel uneasy about legitimizing marijuana, a drug that has
an insidiously damaging effect on the lives of recreational users.
But, like other mind-altering substances, such as opiates and
sedatives, it may prove to be a valuable addition to pharmacopoeia
when used to treat illness and address discomfort.

Baha'u'llah has offered clear guidance that can be applied to this
question. He unequivocally forbids the use of alcohol and drugs,
which "derange the mind," but states that such drugs may be properly
utilized when prescribed by a qualified physician as a part of
medical treatment.

In a letter of response to a physician requesting his guidance,
Baha'u'llah advised him to treat illness by natural means, such as
diet, whenever possible, but when medication is required, to use it
judiciously. He wrote, "If you find what is required in a single
herb, do not resort to a compound."

The controlled use of marijuana in the legitimate treatment of
disease and alleviation of suffering is as morally correct as the use
of morphine. Both substances can be misused and can do harm. Both
substances, in the hands of a compassionate and conscientious
practitioner, can do good. Baha'i teachings place great importance on
civil obedience as a means of helping to creating a spiritual
society. Changes in laws require careful consideration and take time.
While this particular issue is being hotly debated in the courts and
the public arena, the use of marijuana remains illegal in most areas.
We encourage the continued investigation of the facts, and open
dialogue toward responsible, compassionate and wise decisions.



Local Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is

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