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News (Media Awareness Project) - CN MB: Column: 'Singapore Solution' Gets Results on Drugs
Title:CN MB: Column: 'Singapore Solution' Gets Results on Drugs
Published On:2002-12-18
Source:Winnipeg Free Press (CN MB)
Fetched On:2008-01-21 16:31:15
The Doctor Game


Publicly Funded Safe Injection Sites Miss Point

AH-HA! Inspiration for a Christmas column. At breakfast today I read the
morning newspaper. Page after page of it was devoted to increasing urban
crime, and drug problems in Vancouver.

But what made me dream of Prozac was how authorities intend to counteract
all this. Publicly funded injection sites for illegal drug users, a
committee to investigate the police and murderers getting the right to
vote. Am I dreaming?

Proponents of safe injection sites point to the Swiss experiment. They
argue that 10 years ago Platzspitz park in Zurich was better known as
needle park. Hundreds of addicts came to buy heroin and inject it in broad

Swiss police began to drive the addicts out of Platzspitz, but the addicts
didn't vanish. Rather, they are now part of Switzerland's heroin
prescription program.

To be sure, there's one benefit to safe injection sites. They keep people
from hiding in public toilets. Sterile needles also reduce infection and
they may help cure the occasional addict. One Swiss participant remarked,
"I can now afford to move to Morocco and live off my Swiss welfare cheque!"

Critics, particularly the U.S government, are vehemently opposed to safe
injection sites. They argue that providing a heroin addict this facility is
like giving an alcoholic another scotch and soda. Both sides are missing
the point. Swiss safe injection sites merely cover up a festering sore. And
critics of these sites offer no alternatives. Yet the answer is already
functioning and it's known as, "The Singapore Solution."

Several years ago while talking with law enforcement agencies in Singapore,
they laughed at the idea of safe injection sites. Singapore's feeling about
illegal drugs is crystal clear on the visitor's disembarkation form. It
reads, "Welcome to Singapore." But stamped in bright red is a more
impressive message. "Death for Drug Traffickers under Singapore Law." It
makes anyone sit up and take notice.

Former prime minister Lee Kuan Yew introduced the death penalty for drug
traffickers in 1970. Heroin dealers quickly got the message when they
realized authorities intended to hang them. Others received a shock when
they were sentenced to life imprisonment for carrying a gun during a robbery.

Bleeding hearts argue Singapore's punishment is offensive and that harsh
laws do not deter criminals. But Singapore proves them wrong. Officials
point out that there hasn't been a bank robbery for years. The size of the
police force hasn't been increased in 27 years. And objectionable as caning
may be, only five per cent of criminals are charged with repeat offences.
What more evidence do we need?

I admit a tinge of guilt about talking tough at this time of the year.
Particularly during this festive season, when everyone will be preaching
peace on Earth and goodwill to men. But try as I might, I can't see where
all this goodness and peace on Earth is.

At Christmas 2002 I wonder how many more lives will be ruined or snuffed
out by drug traffickers before our government follows Singapore's solution.
One would have to be brain dead not to see how soft laws for drug
traffickers have been a dismal failure. Moreover, our head-in-the-sand
approach continues to cost us all billions of dollars. Stolen cars,
break-ins and dispirited police forces are all visible symptoms. There's
also a huge medical bill. Crack-cocaine-addicted women give birth to
brain-damaged babies who become wards of the state for the rest of their
lives. Stolen cars result in police chases and end in death or devastating
long-term injuries. The list goes on and on.

Singapore authorities claim our society is "irresponsibly permissive." And
providing safe injection sites without also adding the Singapore solution
for traffickers is hopeless and misguided.

I wonder how many readers are also fed up with soft laws. I'd appreciate
your input. Last, but not least, my best wishes for a happy, healthy and
safe holiday season. Letters can be sent to Dr. Gifford-Jones, 1 First
Canadian Place, P.O. Box 119, Toronto, ON, M5X 1A4.
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