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News (Media Awareness Project) - US MS: 5 LTE: Melton Appointment - Mississippi's Drug Czar
Title:US MS: 5 LTE: Melton Appointment - Mississippi's Drug Czar
Published On:2002-12-23
Source:Clarion-Ledger, The (MS)
Fetched On:2008-01-21 16:21:03

Frank Melton has been criticized and lauded by those that have
followed his career.

William Dilday Jr. ("Melton doesn't have experience," Dec. 13) along
with others criticize Gov. Ronnie Musgrove for selecting a man with no
experience to be our "Drug Czar." Those that see him on TV condemn a
society and its leaders for the rampant sale and use of drugs support
him for taking a position that can place his life in danger.

They feel he is a man of character who can quickly learn what it takes
to clean up the despicable condition that ruins families and
individuals that might otherwise be contributors to society.

What he and many of us may not realize is the peril he faces. Surely,
he knows that big talk is one thing. Putting himself in the position
of truly cleaning up the sale and use of drugs is another.

He will soon find that any policeman worth his salt knows every drug
dealer in the city. It is not a matter of knowing them, knowing where
they live or catching them. It is a matter of shutting them down. They
are on the streets or at specific locations.

Good policemen can do it in no time by simply telling them, "Stop
selling drugs on this corner now. Pack up your bags and leave town. If
you don't, something terrible is going to happen to you."

Liberals call it police brutality. Others call it effective police
work. That is the way it was controlled in years past.

If Frank Melton were to be successful in shutting down the sale of
drugs by its dealers, the big boys, the suppliers, move in. I can hear
them now, "What do you mean an ol' boy named Melton has shut down one
of our biggest markets? Get down there, do what you gotta' do but get
those dealers back on the streets."

We sure hope you know what can happen, Frank. Drugs have been on the
streets a long time. Good luck and God Bless you!

Howard V. Blair



Congratulations to Mr. Frank Melton on his position as head of the
Mississippi Narcotics Bureau.

This break from tradition will no doubt bring amazing

Now, the crooks, drug dealers and white-collar dealers in high places
will be looking over their shoulders, wondering when Frank will be
coming - and Frank will be coming.

Is Melton qualified? You can bet he is! We need people with the guts
to break with tradition, people immune to politics, people who have
passion for their work.

I expect to see plenty of pressure to get rid of Frank.

It's already coming from narcotics people who had their eye on the
job, thinking they were better qualified, but we've had those guys and
crime still flourishes.

The good ol' boy club within the Narcotics Bureau is over! I look for
a long overdue shake up.

How many years have we hired people by the criterion of tradition,
thousands of dollars spent on recruitment head hunting?

Until now, all we've gotten were people who have simply not done what
they were paid to do.

Go get em, Frank!

It's long overdue and you can do it!

Send that zero tolerance for crime message!

Robert Bruce III



Frank Melton's declaration that he would quit if he could not do the job
("Melton: I'll succeed or resign," Dec. 7) is the most promising statement
I have heard in years.

While his detractors question his abilities, he has no

Wouldn't it be wonderful if all public officials would emulate

While many could not forgo a salary or perks, as he would, they could
resign if they could not do the job. That would be a wonderful
blessing for Mississippi.

John Healy



If you have never sat with a group of young people and listened to
Frank Melton speak, you should.

Young people give their full attention to everything he says, which,
as parents know, is difficult for an adult to accomplish.

He speaks the truth and young people know it.

The politicians have a word for it: He "resonates."

After I heard him, an excited audience gathered asking questions and
begging for more of his insight.

It's quite possible Mr. Melton's obvious dedication to the job, his
love of youth and his ability to make them feel that he cares may be
worth more than law enforcement experience.

Melton is obviously a savvy executive. That means he will surround
himself with knowledgeable law enforcement personnel.

Steve Mallory ("Melton's selection amazes experts," Dec. 6) said
Melton can't receive certain information because he isn't a sworn law
enforcement officer.

Mississippi law prohibits Gov. Musgrove from making Melton a sworn
enforcement officer.

I suspect the Legislature could make Mr. Melton a sworn officer - or
could change the law - in a New York minute.

We would be fools not to give this man every opportunity to solve this
horrible problem that is destroying so many of our youth and
escalating our crime rate.

Mallory said this appointment is about politics. Even if it is, it
maybe is one of those rare good things that come from politics.

While we're at it, can you imagine the ability, bravery, nerve (Gov.
Fordice had a word for it, cajones) it takes to be an undercover drug
enforcement officer?

There's no doubt we aren't paying these officers enough and should
immediately increase their salary.

Charles Carroll



Why is everyone so skeptical when a man who is clearly dedicated to
fighting crime and drugs with a passion is appointed director of the
Mississippi Bureau of Narcotics?

It is ridiculous to think that Frank Melton would be politically
motivated to take the position for the Democrats.

I have never felt the MBN is passionate enough about drugs - or
Mississippi - or we would not be in the shape we are in on the "war"
on drugs. Drugs are everywhere! Open your eyes! Are you willing to
step in with a vengeance and take control?

Good Luck, Mr. Melton. The real Mississippians who are tired of the
good ol' boys are behind you 100 percent. Thank you for your
continuing dedication that you have provided for free.

Leigh Greenlee

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