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News (Media Awareness Project) - CN BC: Column: Marijuana War Waste Of Time
Title:CN BC: Column: Marijuana War Waste Of Time
Published On:2002-12-28
Source:Saturday Okanagan, The (CN BC)
Fetched On:2008-01-21 16:03:22

Defence Minister John McCallum gives up drinking after Air Canada staff
decide he's too drunk to board a flight.

Alberta Premier Ralph Klein cuts down after a nasty scene at a homeless
shelter, where he argues abusively with residents, throws a handful of
bills on the floor and stomps off.

And Ontario Premier Ernie Eves promises to crack down on MLAs drinking on
the job after an evening sitting degenerates into vicious drunken
abuse. Drinking on the job has been a constant problems over at least two
decades, he admits.

And we're worried about marijuana?

Solicitor General Rich Coleman has weighed in with his views on
decriminalizing marijuana, a step backed by Federal Justice Minister Martin

A huge mistake, Mr. Coleman says. "I want us to go out and fight the war
on drugs because it's hurting our kids, it's hurting our communities and
it's time we stood up to it." he said. "We need to come to grips with the
fact that this is a serious problem in our country, that we have to get
tougher with regard to the penalties."

It's the kind of position that shreds a politician's credibility. First,
it's impossible to make a credible claim that marijuana use should be
treated as a high priority public menace. Alcohol was directly blamed for
about 300 deaths in B.C. last year; hard drugs - and prescription drugs -
were blamed for about the same number. For marijuana, pretty much
none. Our courts are crowded with people who stole something or hurt
someone or acted stupidly while they were drunk.

That's not to say pot is harmless. The last thing an unmotivated
15-year-olds needs is a drug that will make him more likely to sit around
instead of going to class. The healthiest people likely don't use any
intoxicants - but most of us do.

But ask any police officer or social worker what causes more problems,
alcohol or marijuana, and you'll see the plausibility of the "marijuana
menace" claim vanish. (A new RAND study also debunks the idea of marijuana
as a gateway drug.)

Coleman did focus on the involvement of organized crime in grow ops, a
legitimate concern. Big grow ops mean big, illegal money, and that will
attract a range of bad guys. (Although an RCMP study of 12,000 grow op
reports in B.C. revealed guns were found in at least six per cent. About
24 per cent of homes in the province have firearms: police are far more
likely to encounter a gun in the average domestic call.)

Increased police pressure hasn't worked. B.C.'s Organized Crime Agency
reported that police action on grow ops was forcing organized crime to
switch to methamphetamine labs. That hardly seems like progress.

Instead of a "get tough" stance, government should be tackling the crime
problem effectively. Perhaps eliminating the risk of prosecution for
people interested in growing a few plants would do the most to make life
harder for gangs.

The saddest thing about Coleman's comments is that they undermine the basic
foundation for an effective drug strategy. People need credible
information that will let them assess and avoid the risks of all drugs,
from cognac to cocaine. Paint a false picture of the risks of marijuana,
and you will no longer be believed when you deliver a vital warning about
the effects of heroin.

That's especially true for young people, lost in their own invulnerability
and quick to dismiss any warnings. They have been to parties with
drinkers, and parties with people who have smoked pot. They know where the
greatest stupidity and violence is found.

We don't need to wage war on marijuana; we need to get smart on drugs.
Education to avoid damaging addiction. Support for people who want to
quit. Harm reduction for people who can't or won't quit. Solutions that
work, not words.
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