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News (Media Awareness Project) - US CA: OPED: The Un-winnable War
Title:US CA: OPED: The Un-winnable War
Published On:2007-05-12
Source:Oroville Mercury-Register (CA)
Fetched On:2008-01-12 06:18:41

Persons and pundits both local and national are criticizing the war in
Iraq as un-winnable and demanding a change in policy while, sadly,
they seem indifferent to the glaring failure of another war which has
been pursued for over 40 years, cost more money, destroyed more lives,
killed more citizens and generated more anguish than any conflict
since World War II; the so called 'War On Drugs.' It is our
government's policies rather than the substances involved which are
more responsible for the ongoing deaths, defilement, misery and
despair which permeate our society. Incarceration, stigmatization,
surreptitious spying, asset forfeiture, poisoning our environment,
turning friends and family members into traitors and squealers.

Drug free zones, zero tolerance policies, dope sniffing dogs,
seemingly no idea too fanciful, frivolous or absurd that it is refused
its ignoble place in this pathetic pursuit of the unattainable.

Each of us should ask ourselves, after 40 years of stricter laws,
tougher enforcement and harsher punishments is the problem now better
or worse? Is it easier or more difficult now to obtain illicit drugs
if one is so inclined?

Our drug laws are prohibitionist in nature and prohibitionist laws do
NOT work for they seek to overcome two obstacles which cannot be
overcome; the law of supply and demand, and the rule of risk and reward.

As long as there is demand for a product or service there will always
be someone willing to provide it. Our laws attack the supply side of
this equation with a predictably futile result.

For despite the ever increasing amounts of illegal drugs confiscated
there ALWAYS remains adequate supply available to fulfill the demand
and there ALWAYS will be. We have jammed our prisons with criminals
who sell and deal in these drugs and yet there are always more to take
their place for the truth is that the only effect of this monumental
enforcement effort is to raise the price of these substances and once
the price is high enough there will ALWAYS be someone willing to take
the risk.

Acknowledging that the drug problem is not going to go away, our focus
should be on policies which improve rather than exacerbate the
situation. It is imperative the monetary profit be removed and as the
only thing making these substances valuable is their illegality they
should be at a minimum de-criminalized.

The benefits from these changes would be immediate and remarkable.
Police officers could return to performing tasks of benefit to the
public rather than play catch me if you can with some Al Capone
wannabe. Prosecutors and judges would have the time to pursue matters
which now must be dismissed due to the burden of prosecuting the
deluge of drug offenses. Our prison system would have the space to
house the dangerous individuals who need and deserve to be located

The resources now being wasted on these functions could be redirected
toward providing serious public education concerning the dangers of
these drugs and providing the facilities for the rehabilitation of
those seeking such. Addicts could be provided a location to use their
drugs allowing our parks to again be used as playgrounds rather than
'shooting galleries.' The spread of diseases associated with drug use
could be reduced along with the accompanying cost of medical treatment.

As with any dramatic change there would be winners and

The losers would include all those who are now profiting from the
status quo, street gangs, smugglers and criminal organizations
currently gorging themselves on the tremendous untaxed revenue they
are receiving as well as law enforcement agencies receiving funding
grants and seizing cash from drug raids to continue this enforcement

Winners would be all of us in the public suffering personally or
financially as a result of this misguided effort.

But those who find my proposals appalling need not fear them being
adopted as long as we have Republicans and Democrats making the laws;
political harlots concerned only with what makes good politics rather
than good policy.

These are the 'generals' running the 'war' who insist that doing more
of what we have done for 40 years past will somehow produce different
results in the future.

Obstinate and recalcitrant fools willing to fight to the last drop of
someone else's blood and the last dime of someone else's money rather
than adopt someone else's suggestions. They are supported by persons
who have exchanged their humanity for moral righteousness and their
compassion for moral superiority. They prefer policies which make them
feel good rather than policies which would accomplish good.

Compared to our chances of winning the current 'war on drugs,'
succeeding in Iraq looks like a sure thing.

David White is Oroville's outspoken advocate of good public policy.
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