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News (Media Awareness Project) - Brazil: Pope Ends Brazil Trip With Fierce Speech
Title:Brazil: Pope Ends Brazil Trip With Fierce Speech
Published On:2007-05-14
Source:Los Angeles Times (CA)
Fetched On:2008-01-12 06:10:57

Benedict Laments Lax Morals And Urges Bishops To Do Better In
Building Up The Church. His Last Mass Attracts Only 150,000.

APARECIDA, BRAZIL -- Pope Benedict XVI ended his first pilgrimage to
the Americas much as he began it: with a searing attack on diverse
forces, from Marxism and capitalism to birth control, that he
believes threaten society and the Roman Catholic faith.

And in comment likely to generate controversy in Latin America, the
pope said the New World's indigenous population, "silently longing"
for Christianity, had welcomed the teachings that "came to make their
cultures fruitful, purifying them." Many indigenous rights groups say
the conquest ushered in a period of disease, mass murder, enslavement
and the shattering of native cultures.

Turnout at his final Mass, held at Brazil's most popular religious
shrine, was notably low, underscoring the very problem the pope came
here to address: a Catholic Church in decline.

Wrapping up five days in the world's most populous Catholic country,
the pope inaugurated a major conference of bishops from Latin America
and the Caribbean, telling them they had to do a better job of
grooming Catholics and building up the church.

"One can detect a certain weakening of Christian life in society
overall and of participation in the life of the Catholic Church," he said.

The pope lauded "progress toward democracy" in the region but
expressed concern about "authoritarian forms of government and
regimes wedded to certain ideologies that we thought had been superseded."

The Latin American media widely saw the remark as a jab at leftist
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, who has frequently clashed with the
church hierarchy and called Christ "the greatest socialist in history."

The pope came to this region to shore up a deeply divided church that
is losing multitudes of followers to Protestant denominations,
secularism and apathy. The trip also was seen as a test for a pope
often considered Eurocentric and aloof to the more populous bases of
his far-flung church.

On that score, he did not appear to have made much headway. Only
about 150,000 people came to this rural town between Sao Paulo and
Rio de Janeiro for Benedict's final Mass. The open-air celebration
took place at the sanctuary of Our Lady of Aparecida, a shrine to a
black Virgin Mary who is Brazil's patron saint.

The pope told the crowd that only faith in God and the church could
give them hope: "Not a political ideology, not a social movement, not
an economic system."

Flags from various Latin American countries dotted the crowd, which
was boisterous but a fraction of what organizers had predicted. Nuns
in dark habits held aloft icons of the Madonna, and families wore
matching T-shirts blazoned with pictures of saints. And this being
Brazil, there were plenty of bare midriffs, low-cut tank tops and
spandex pants.

During Benedict's five days in Brazil, many watching him saw and
heard not so much an embracing and accessible pontiff as the man he
was before becoming pope: the dogmatic Joseph Ratzinger, a
professorial theologian dedicated to guarding and purifying the
faith. He stuck studiously to the fundamental message of his papacy,
that unwavering love of God must form the basis of any endeavor.

It may be something of an irony that he came to a country with a
reputation for hedonism to rail against sex, drugs and lax morals. Or
maybe that was the point.

His exhortations to protect family life and return to the church will
resonate with numerous Latin Americans who are dismayed at the
erosion of tradition in the heavily Roman Catholic continent.

But for many here, Benedict remained a distant pope, his instructions

"We are not used to him yet," said Ana Cortes, 42, from Monte Patria,
Chile, who came to see the pope and preserved fond memories of
Benedict's charismatic predecessor, John Paul II.

"We see him as far away still," said Cortes, a mother of two who was
wrapped in a large Chilean flag. "But I think in time his words will reach us."

"I don't think many people are listening to him," said her friend,
Nilse Barraza, 47.

Augusto Dellava, 17, who came to the Mass from Montevideo, Uruguay,
said good Christians should be able to relate to the pope. "He talks
a lot about youths. We are the future of the church," he said. "He
demands a lot from us. It's not easy, but it's worth it."

The 80-year-old pope did not focus much on poverty during this trip,
nor did he orchestrate any of the grand gestures that endeared John
Paul to his followers. When John Paul visited Brazil in 1980, he gave
his gold cardinal's ring to the residents of a Rio de Janeiro slum he
visited. Benedict did not go to a slum nor did he meet with poor
people, save for the briefest of encounters outside the Sao Paulo cathedral.

Speaking to the bishops on Sunday, he said the "preferential option
for the poor" was implicit in faith in Christ, adding that the people
of the region "have the right to a full life, proper to the children
of God, under conditions that are more human" and free from hunger
and violence.

The pope blamed both capitalism and Marxism for removing God from
life and dehumanizing society. The pope's views on Marxism are
well-known, but his inclusion of capitalism in the same critique was

Marxism left a legacy of economic and ecological destruction and
"also the painful destruction of the human spirit," he said. By the
same token, he added, capitalism widened the gap between rich and
poor, "giving rise to a worrying degradation of personal dignity
through drugs, alcohol and the deceptive illusions of happiness."

Sunday's speech to the bishops was the centerpiece lecture of the
Brazil trip. It kicked off the fifth General Conference of the Latin
American Bishops, a 19-day policy meeting that is held approximately
every decade.

As he has done frequently, the pope condemned abortion, gay marriage
and "the facile illusions of instant happiness and the deceptive
paradise offered by drugs, pleasure and alcohol."

He said priests had no business in politics but that Christian values
should permeate political thought and leadership.

The pope dedicated only a small portion of his remarks to the
shortage of priests in Latin America, a problem that church officials
in Brazil consider to be especially acute. Priests are outnumbered by
evangelical Protestant preachers 2 to 1, and vast swaths of this huge
country are without bishops.

Benedict has used his homilies and speeches here to say that the more
creative, folkloric, lively Mass often conducted in Brazil is
permissible only as long as traditional doctrine and liturgy are
followed. Some priests and lay people believe the way to save the
Catholic Church in Latin America is to adopt the aggressive, rousing
preaching practices of their Pentecostal rivals.

On the fringes of Sunday's Mass, a group of 25 theology students from
a Brazilian university marched with pictures of "martyrs" who have
not figured prominently in any of the pope's utterances. These
included Archbishop Oscar Romero of San Salvador, who was slain while
celebrating Mass in 1980, and Dorothy Stang, a U.S.-born nun who was
killed in Brazil two years ago defending indigenous rights against
loggers. The students' banner declared they were the "church of the
option for the poor and the excluded."

As with Sunday's Mass, attendance and fervor at most of Benedict's
appearances here were muted for a papal visit to a predominantly
Catholic country. By way of contrast, the annual "March for Jesus" by
evangelicals in Sao Paulo attracts at least 1.5 million people.

Despite that, some analysts said the exposure of the Brazilian public
to Benedict would help make him a more familiar and appreciated figure.

"The country knows a new image of the pope, an image they didn't know
before," Fernando Altemeyer, a theologian at the Pontifical Catholic
University in Sao Paulo, told Folha Online, a Brazilian newspaper website.

But others suggested the gulf may be too wide for this cerebral pope to narrow.

"There is this real disconnect between what the pope says and the
reality among Catholics in Brazil," said David Fleischer, a political
scientist at the University of Brasilia.
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