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News (Media Awareness Project) - US HI: Mayor Adamant That War Against Drugs Gets Organized Quickly
Title:US HI: Mayor Adamant That War Against Drugs Gets Organized Quickly
Published On:2003-02-13
Source:Garden Island (HI)
Fetched On:2008-01-21 04:50:47

Crisis On Drugs Group Gets Advice From Off Island

Halfway through a session that went from enthusiastic to somewhat nit-picky
when it came to discussion of plotting of "systemic approaches to
development of plans," Mayor Bryan Baptiste pounded his fist on the table.

"I hope that the coordinator can put all the pieces together. I need someone
who will eat, sleep, whatever the crusade against this epidemic. I am not
going to wait anymore. I can be criticized for it, but I'm going to take
that first step. I'm going to do it," he said.

"I could care less about bickering and arguing," he said, "I don't mean to
get upset, but I am here doing this for the children."

About 50 people came together for a second meeting about the "crisis on
drugs," held from 8:30 a.m. - noon Wednesday at the Civil Defense Agency's
Emergency Operating Center in Ka Hale Maka'i 'O Kaua'i in Lihu'e.

Baptiste invited a Big Island-born, East Coast-educated
attorney-turned-"drug war" coordinator to pump up four dozen overworked,
odd-hours volunteers into finding solutions that could be started right

Bill Kenoi, executive assistant to Big Island Mayor Harry Kim, spoke about
what they are doing on Hawai'i and discussed approaches that could work
here. Last year, about 300 people came together on the Big Island to propose
a drug program; they enlisted the help of Sen. Daniel Inouye to enter the $4
million effort.

Mobilize all levels of government to get everyone working together.

The state and counties are in budget deficits - at a budget hearing this
month, the state was found to be $315 million "in the hole." People in
different groups can work together with limited funding, he said.

Get communities involved.

When people approach government to come up with solutions, "task them, task
everyone," he challenged. Kenoi posed the questions: "What are you doing as
a community, as a family? Are you promoting a healthy, substance-free

Get every sector in the community on board.

Every sector of the community is affected by drug use, he said. Businesses
are affected when they can't find qualified workers, workers don't show up
or there's use and violence in the workplace. The faith community is already
involved with youth ministries and church activities. Schools can take
control of prevention education.

Kaua'i needs more than one program, because what works for one person might
not work for someone else. It starts with hope, but not false hopes, Kenoi
offered. "If people get chance that tomorrow goin' be better than today,
they goin' try."

Though Kenoi's suggestions made a lot of people nod and hum in agreement,
the question remains: What can we do now to make a difference?

Again, Baptiste was challenged to name a "drug crisis coordinator," someone
who will devote their time to handling funding, setting up meetings with
facilitators and referring the public to programs in each community on the

Mardi Maione, a certified substance abuse counselor and chair of the Kaua'i
Drug Free Coalition, named the coalition's successes and their short-term
and long-term goals.

Maione has approached Sen. Gary Hooser with a budget proposal to fund the
coordinator position for one year. On behalf of the coalition, she wants the
county to adopt a public health addiction policy. In her "perfect world
scenario," Kaua'i would have a community center in each district where
people could receive drug treatment, take parenting classes and life skills

The federal government likes to see the private sector and government
working collaboratively, and could be more likely to fund such projects, she
said, adding that Kaua'i meets several criteria for funding, in terms of
population, rural living and demographics.

Councilwoman JoAnn Yukimura made her concerns known.

"What's really missing is a plan to coordinate," she said. "What is our end
in mind? I don't see an islandwide plan that shows how we all fit in."

Baptiste explained that he simply doesn't have the time to focus on the drug
crisis full-time. "If I had the time to do it…I could do it," he said.

"While we're doing a thousand strategic plans, another kid gets lost to
this," Baptiste said.

"There's long range plans, but there's also something we can do today,"
Baptiste said, challenging the group.

Kaua'i Police Department Vice Section Sgt. Dan Abadilla discussed his
organizational plan that includes demand reduction, enforcement, treatment
and integration. Abadilla suggested that representatives from each group
elect a team leader, who will also serve on a committee to select the

Whether the "continuum of care" is made up of prevention, intervention,
treatment and after-care; or the police model of demand reduction,
enforcement, treatment and integration, most everyone agreed that a
county-wide plan for clearly defining terms and reaching the goal(s) in mind
needs to be developed.

After a break-out session with the various groups, those chosen are
multi-taskers who are in most cases, involved with more than one community
project: Demand reduction, Jimmy Trujillo; Robin McCarthy; treatment, Alton
Amimoto; aftercare, Annette Creamer; and integration, Dely Sasaki.

Baptiste said the group would discuss criteria and call for applications.
They haven't yet figured out exactly how the coordinator will work with the

He also mentioned the Leo O Kaua'i community meetings that will start in
early March, where people will be able to voice their issues and solutions
on the drug crisis and any related issues.

It was announced that state Public Safety Narcotics Enforcement Supervising
Investigator Ed Howard will be on Kaua'i later this month to present the
Weed and Seed "community building" program in partnership with the KPD. The
Boys and Girls Club's Kapa'a and Waimea Clubhouses are also planning public
meetings with a focus on preventing drug abuse, tentatively scheduled for
March. And the state Department of Education has invited 300 high school
students to take part in an anti-drug leadership conference scheduled for
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