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News (Media Awareness Project) - Guatemala: Graft Aggravates Woes Plaguing Central America
Title:Guatemala: Graft Aggravates Woes Plaguing Central America
Published On:2003-02-25
Source:New York Times (NY)
Fetched On:2008-01-20 23:55:32

GUATEMALA CITY - Long a mainstay of politics and business in Central
America, corruption has taken on new life under the region's fledgling
democracies and is more pervasive and corrosive than at any time in recent
memory, analysts and diplomats say.

For the most vulnerable countries, like Guatemala, barely six years from
civil war, the problem is making it more difficult to consolidate law and
order and gain popular trust in government.

For the United States it is undermining the fight against drugs, contraband
and illegal immigrants as politicians and former military officers who had
been built up as cold war allies now trade on their influence to enrich

In January, Washington "decertified" Guatemala as a cooperative partner in
the antidrug effort, a step that jeopardized millions of dollars in foreign
aid and further tarnished Guatemala's image with investors.

"I think it the most corrupt country right now," said Manuel Orozco,
Central America project director at the Inter-American Dialogue, a policy
group in Washington.

The Guatemalan government, angered by the American decision, insists that
the problem goes beyond drug trafficking - and beyond Guatemala - and that
American officials have been inattentive to an issue that is nibbling away
at efforts to generate trade and lift large swaths of the region out of

Indeed, Guatemala is hardly alone. Half of Central America's countries
dwell in the bottom 20 percent of Transparency International's annual
rankings of the most corrupt countries in which to conduct business.

In Honduras, millions of aid dollars sent for rebuilding efforts after
Hurricane Mitch struck in 1998 have gone unaccounted for, while rural
poverty and despair have increased.

Last year prosecutors in Nicaragua, one of the hemisphere's poorest
countries, accused former President Arnoldo Aleman of stealing $100 million
from the government. The shock felt by many Nicaraguans was compounded by
the Nicaraguan Congress's slowness to lift the immunity that Mr. Aleman
enjoyed as a legislator. He is now under house arrest awaiting trial.

In Panama, a country whose freewheeling economy has long been favored by
those seeking to hide or channel illicit funds, corruption is nearly taken
for granted.

Last year an opposition legislator, Carlos Afu, was accused by his own
party of accepting $1.5 million for his vote to confirm two Supreme Court
justices. He defended himself by appearing on television waving $6,000 in
$100 bills that he said promoters had just paid him to approve their
development project. The message: everyone here sells his vote.

Instead of being prosecuted as a confessed bribe taker, Mr. Afu, who now
votes with the government, has been rewarded with a committee chairmanship.

The Bush administration announced last year that it would make
anticorruption efforts a condition for foreign aid increases. But the
difficulty of withholding aid from governments in a poor region that has
become a popular smuggling route was demonstrated when Washington waived
penalties on national security grounds after it decertified Guatemala.

Guatemala presents a special challenge. By most measures it has not only
the region's widest gap between rich and poor, but an everyday tolerance
for corruption at almost all levels of government and business.

Carlos Gonzalez, a law student here, learned just how ingrained it had
become when a police officer stopped him one night for no apparent reason,
frisked him and asked about the cellphone he was carrying.

"He asked where the receipt was," Mr. Gonzalez recalled. "Of course, I
didn't have it. So he told me the phone was stolen and was staying with
him. Where can you go to complain about something like this - to the police?"

Not exactly. Byron Barrientos, the former minister of governance who
oversaw the police, is himself facing allegations of having embezzled as
much as $13 million. Though no longer in office, he remains in government,
as a member of Congress, joining some 20 other lawmakers embroiled in scandals.

"Corruption is a matter of double standard," Foreign Minister Edgar
Gutierrez said in response to written questions. "Everyone points fingers,
but few are willing to point fingers, combat and do away with corruption in
their own profession or sector."

The big money, diplomats and human rights advocates say, is being made by a
shadowy smuggling network of former military officers.

The group is a holdover from Guatemala's 36-year civil war with leftist
guerrillas, when regional military commanders controlled lucrative
businesses in illegal logging or amassed sprawling properties.

Now, as they adjust to the peace brought about by accords signed in
December 1996, they are seeking other ways to secure their futures in

In addition, prosecutors say that about $100 million has been stolen by
various high-ranking officials, some of whom have fled the country. Last
year, in their frustration, American officials resorted to revoking
numerous visas to block suspected criminals from doing business in or
fleeing to the United States.

Among those whose visas were blocked was Francisco Ortega Menaldo, a former
general whom American officials suspect of ties to drug trafficking and
human rights abuses.

American officials increasingly suspect that security breaches are tipping
off drug gangs to raids by the United States Drug Enforcement
Administration. One of the biggest scandals last year involved the
disappearance of 1.6 tons of cocaine from police custody and the subsequent
disbanding of the country's antinarcotics squad.

Even in cases in which arrests have been made, suspects often go free.
"Basically, all the sectors of law enforcement, the judiciary, the Public
Ministry and the police have all been either bought off, penetrated or
intimidated," said one diplomat.

Prosecutors are investigating five men who were once among the country's
highest-ranking army officers in connection with smuggling of drugs and people.

But prosecutors complain that they are fearful, intimidated and
underbudgeted as they have been inundated by more than 2,400 corruption
cases since 2000. Distrustful of even the police, they find themselves
staking out suspects on their own.

Karen Fischer, the special prosecutor for corruption, suspects compliant
judges of putting up judicial roadblocks to delay or derail some cases.
Even at the bottom of the bureaucratic chain, prosecutors and others find
that clerks demand bribes simply to move paperwork.

"You have to fight with the court to not release people," Ms. Fischer said.
"You have to fight with the police to bring them in. The problem of
corruption in Guatemala is so spread out."

Under growing pressure, the government has set up an anticorruption
commission to look at issues of inefficiency and official impunity, which
are of special interest to international donors and lenders who will be
meeting in May to review Guatemala's progress.

"Corruption in Guatemala is a type of social pathology that should be
analyzed by a sociologist or psychiatrist," said Elfidio Cano, a member of
the panel. "It has become a culture that legitimizes itself."
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