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News (Media Awareness Project) - Afghanistan: Afghanistan World's 'Heroin Capital'
Title:Afghanistan: Afghanistan World's 'Heroin Capital'
Published On:2003-03-02
Source:Sunday Telegraph, The (Australia)
Fetched On:2008-01-20 23:21:48

AFGHANISTAN has toppled Burma as the world's top source of illicit opium,
but the southeast Asian state is streaking ahead as the region's prime
producer of amphetamines, the United States has said.

In a major drugs strategy report, Washington backed up figures released by
the United Nations last week showing an increase in poppy cultivation since
the ouster of Afghanistan's former Taliban rulers.

"The size of the opium harvest in 2002 makes Afghanistan the world's leading
opium producer, the report said.

"Trafficking of Afghan opium and heroin refined in numerous laboratories
inside Afghanistan creates serious problems for Afghanistan and its

The International Narcotics Control Strategy Report, collated by the State
Department from US posts abroad, said the area under opium cultivation in
the country last year reached 30,750 hectares.

The figure rose from a low of 1,685 hectares in 2001 after the
fundamentalist Taliban, later ousted by a US-led war, banned opium

The report nevertheless credited US-backed President Hamid Karzai, who was
in Washington this week, with taking a number of important early steps in a
British-sponsored effort to cut drug production.

The drive has been complicated by political upheaval and uncertain security

Although the report found Burma was still a major source of opium, it
concluded production had declined for the sixth straight year to 630 metric
tonnes in 2002 down 26 per cent from a year earlier.

It called on the military regime in Rangoon, which earns frequent criticism
here for its human rights record, to carry on the fight against narcotics -
which it said had yielded "measurable results".

But the report found Burma delinquent in cracking down on bans on opium
production in areas controlled by ethnic Wa groups.

It branded the country as Asia's top source of amphetamine-type products,
and said it had not taken "significant steps" to stop the trafficking of the

President George W Bush in January accused Burma of failing to adequately
battle drugs production, in a body blow to Rangoon's bid to shed its
reputation as a "narco-state".

The decision featured in the president's annual report to Congress listing
countries which fail to meet US standards for combating the drugs trade, and
which are therefore liable for US sanctions.

Today's report is billed as the factual basis for those assessments which
saw Bush designate 23 countries as major drugs producers.
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