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News (Media Awareness Project) - Australia: Major Parties Can't Resist Lure Of Drugs Issue
Title:Australia: Major Parties Can't Resist Lure Of Drugs Issue
Published On:2003-03-03
Source:Sydney Morning Herald (Australia)
Fetched On:2008-01-20 23:14:11

The issue of drug addiction has entered the election campaign, with the
major parties tapping into community fears about drugs to score political

In the regional seat of Port Macquarie, the National Party has paid for a
full-page advertisement accusing the National-turned-independent member,
Rob Oakeshott, of supporting heroin injecting room trials, in a desperate
bid to win back the seat.

The advertisement, angrily condemned by Mr Oakeshott, is the second
incident in the past few days in which the major parties have used the
complexity of drug policies to divide voter support.

Yesterday, the Greens candidate for Port Jackson, Jamie Parker, was
personally linked with a long-standing Greens policy supporting a harm
minimisation approach to drug treatment, in a bid to fuel community fears
about drugs and discredit him in his attempt to wrest the seat from Labor's
Sandra Nori.

While the State Government denied any involvement in the tactic, the move
may affect the flow of preferences to the Greens from the Liberal Party,
potentially affecting the Greens' campaign to win their first lower house seat.

The Port Macquarie advertisement, which states it is authorised by the
National Party, shows a large syringe and asks: "Do You Support Heroin
Injecting Room trials?"

A photograph of the local candidate, Charlie Fenton, flanked by federal
National minister Mark Vaile, says "We Don't", while a picture of Mr
Oakeshott and the Premier, Bob Carr, says "They Do".

Yesterday, both Mr Carr, and the Opposition Leader, John Brogden, denounced
the Greens' drugs policy, which proposes controlled availability of heroin
and other drugs under medical supervision.

The Opposition said it would not extend any preferences to the Greens on
the basis of the policy and challenged Mr Carr to do the same.

Mr Carr would not be drawn on questions about preferences but said he
believed the Greens were taking the "wrong approach" to the problem."I am
deeply opposed to the greater ongoing use by Australians of amphetamines
and ecstasy," he said.

" I don't want us to be a pill-popping society with youngsters boiling
their brains on amphetamines and marijuana."

Mr Brogden described the Greens policy as "dangerously irresponsible".

"We say no to free heroin to heroin addicts and we say no to a ludicrous,
crazy and dangerously irresponsible plan from the Greens to sell ecstasy
over the counter in drug shops in NSW," he said.

"It's a plan I find personally dangerous and abhorrent. It sends a
frightening message to young people in NSW. Every parent in this state
should be alarmed."

The Liberal Party's campaign director Scott Morrison said the state's
voting system meant that no party was obliged to extend preferences.

"Labor cannot say they are opposed to the Greens policy but at the same
time to do deals with the Greens for preferences," he said.

Under attack over the policy, the Greens yesterday challenged the Police
Minister, Michael Costa, to say whether he used drugs.

Greens MP Ian Cohen told journalists: "Ask the Police Minister, has he used
drugs himself?"

Fellow Green MP Lee Rhiannon then asked: "Does he still use drugs?"

A spokesman for Mr Costa said the minister would be happy to undergo a
drugs test at any time.

Mr Cohen claimed in Parliament last year that up to one-third of MPs had
smoked marijuana and the Greens called on Mr Costa to state whether he had
ever used drugs.

Yesterday was the first time the question has been asked without
parliamentary privilege.
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