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News (Media Awareness Project) - US: Letter from Common Sense for Drug Policy to MAP
Title:US: Letter from Common Sense for Drug Policy to MAP
Published On:2003-03-23
Source:Letters to MAP (The Media Awareness Project of DrugSense)
Fetched On:2008-01-20 21:37:04
Dear MAP/DrugSensers:

Bravo for the amazing accomplishment of creating a news archive of
100,000 articles. It is a great achievement that shows how much can be
done when people are organized for a common goal. While the leadership
of MAP/DrugSense deserves a lot of credit for developing this project,
I realize that this could not have been done without the volunteer
work of scores of activists.

As anyone who has heard me speak knows, I always highlight the work of
MAP/DrugSense. While the news archive achieving the 100,000 article
mark is the highlight of today -- and important not only to reform
activists but to reporters, producers and policy makers -- the reality
is the archive is only one of the important services you provide the
reform movement. The other projects of MAP/DrugSense that I appreciate

- - Weekly focus alerts -- that target specific media stories -- and
your links to http://www.drugwarfacts.org -- make it easy for someone to
be an effective activist with an investment of as little as twenty
minutes per week. This program is so effective that MAP/DrugSense
activists have had over 12,000 letters published worth over $12
million in advertising space. You are certainly an organization that
provides significant bang for minimal bucks!

- - Your willingness to set up email discussion lists for networks of
activists who want to get organized in their local community, state or
around a particular issue. By making internet communication easy you
make it possible for lone activists to begin to work with others, get
organized and increase their effectiveness.

- - Your ability to help groups of activists develop into an
organization by providing web services to fledgling and even mature
reform organizations. A web presence for a local, statewide or
issue-focused reform group helps them to think through their common
purpose, gives them a professional public face and allows them to grow

In other words, you provide services that make it easy for every
reform activist to become more effective. MAP/DrugSense has become an
indispensable player helping to ensure the rapid expansion of drug
policy reform efforts like no other organization. When we succeed in
our common effort to end the disastrous war on drugs, MAP/DrugSense
will be seen as a key player in our success and a model for future
social justice activism.


Kevin B. Zeese


Common Sense for Drug Policy


202-332-2546 (direct dial)
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