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News (Media Awareness Project) - Canada: Letter from the Marijuana Party of Canada to MAP
Title:Canada: Letter from the Marijuana Party of Canada to MAP
Published On:2003-03-23
Source:Letters to MAP (The Media Awareness Project of DrugSense)
Fetched On:2008-01-20 21:34:12
It is with great pride that I am writing to celebrate MAPINC's
100,000th news clipping.

With its discussion lists, forums, news clipping services and website
support for reform groups, the MAPINC/DRUGSENSE family is at the
forefront of the internet revolution and is a model that will serve as
an example to other activist groups.

It is also the premier source of news about drugs and drug policy that
can be accessed by everyone, including those who would oppose any
changes to our drug laws.

Thanks to us the users and volunteers the information vacuum that was
created under prohibition is now being filled at such a rate that the
truth about the drug war is reaching wider audiences every day and is
influencing the mainstream media to consider that prohibition is not
be the best solution and must be reconsidered.

As an active volunteer, I am proud to donate my time by maintaining a
French language list of news clippings called PAMF. With almost 100
subscribers, this French list has already circulated over 1000
clippings in under a year. See http://www.mapinc.org/pamf/

Being a member of this great family has also made me a better
informed, more effective advocate for the repeal of prohibition.
Getting access to news from around the world fills in the big picture
and gives new meaning to the terms "think globally, act locally".

In addition, by providing an opportunity for discussion and
networking, it also helps activists get to the bottom of the story and
discover the truth that often lies between the lines.

And by using the internet's virtually instantaneous response time, it
has given our movement the edge it needed to get the jump on the
competition and to react promptly to any incidents that would have
otherwise gone unnoticed.

And so, on behalf of myself and the Marijuana Party of Canada, I would
like to extend my congratulations and thanks to all those who have
worked so diligently to make MAPINC, and its sister site DRUGSENSE,
into the most popular drug reform and awareness vehicle to ever grace
the screen of my computer.

And on a final note, news junkies beware, MAPINC is highly


Most sincerely,

Marc-Boris St-Maurice

Leader, Le Parti Marijuana Party du Canada

Director of operations, www.marijuanahomedelivery.com
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