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News (Media Awareness Project) - US: Letter from Keith Stroup, NORML to MAP
Title:US: Letter from Keith Stroup, NORML to MAP
Published On:2003-03-24
Source:Letters to MAP (The Media Awareness Project of DrugSense)
Fetched On:2008-01-20 21:33:08
Dear Colleagues:

Congratulations on reaching the impressive milestone of having
archived over 100,000 drug policy related news clippings. MAP has
surely become one of the principal engines driving the anti-drug war
movement in this country.

At NORML, we rely on the good services of MAP in several ways. First,
we feature the top marijuana-related news stories each day on our web
site, and those articles are automatically provided to us each day by
a computer feed from MAP. This is a unique service that is simply
unavailable from any other source, and MAP provides it for free.

Second, MAP hosts for free the web sites of many NORML state
affiliates around the country, and supportive list serves for sharing
information, making it possible for these groups to launch and
maintain a web site with a minimum of expertise and cost. This permits
new groups in particular to use their limited resources for other
necessary tasks related to reforming the marijuana laws in their state.

Third, NORML has recently begun to utilize and appreciate the massive
nationwide media list that has been assembled by MAP, and made
available to other reform organizations, again without cost.

In summary, all of us in the reform community owe a tremendous debt of
gratitude to the many good people who work at MAP, providing services
which make it possible for all of us to do our own jobs more
effectively. MAP recognized the incredible power of the internet to
assist in our work earlier than most, and have provided that expertise
to all of us without cost.

Please accept our sincere thanks and congratulations on reaching this


Keith Stroup


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