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News (Media Awareness Project) - US: Party Busters
Title:US: Party Busters
Published On:2003-04-18
Source:LA Weekly (CA)
Fetched On:2008-01-20 19:50:18

Last week, under cover of wartime and paranoia about the safety of America's
children, the Illicit Drug Anti-Proliferation Act of 2003, known in an
earlier form as the RAVE Act, became law as a non sequitur tacked on to the
PROTECT Act ("Prosecutorial Remedies and Other Tools to End the Exploitation
of Children Today"). It was a sneaky deal: After having failed to make it
out of the U.S. Senate last fall, when it stood alone, the bill -- which
applies the existing crack-house law to temporary venues and allows for
civil penalties against club owners and promoters -- cleared Congress with
no hearings and little debate. "It was very sudden," says William McColl,
director of national affairs for the Drug Policy Alliance, "but not entirely
unexpected. It's the kind of thing that happens in Washington these days."

Underhanded as it was, the Illegal Drug Anti-Proliferation Act remains
something of a victory for the electronic-dance community, which mobilized
to fight the RAVE Act last fall. While the original bill, SB 2633, targeted
"alcohol-free venues" that sell glow sticks, massage oils and bottles of
water, those items were struck, along with the acronym, in direct response
to political pressure from the Electronic Music Defense Fund (EMDEF), the
ACLU and other organizations. When Senator Joseph Biden (D-Del.)
re-introduced legislation last January, he acknowledged "legitimate reasons
for selling water, having a room where people can cool down after dancing,
or having an ambulance on hand," and confirmed that efforts to promote
public safety could not be used against any promoter. "In no way is this
bill aimed at stifling any type of music or expression," he insisted,
borrowing EMDEF's language. "It is only trying to deter illicit drug use and
protect kids."

"We can be proud that we took over the spin," says Susan Mainzer of the
publicity firm Green Galactic, which promotes many of the events Biden finds
threatening. "Last fall secondary sponsors were taking their names off after
we educated them about how the bill might be applied. The electronic-music
community was able to organize as quickly as the [evangelical] Christians do
- -- and we showed that you can't discount us as a political force."

Still, while the new bill is leaner and simpler, it is also more open to
interpretation. "It's hard to imagine any district attorney going after the
Dodgers for someone smoking marijuana in the stands," says McColl. "The
question is, who is it going to target? Is it going to be applied
selectively to African-Americans? To unpopular types of music, such as
hip-hop? To gay and lesbian clubs? We don't know. We're watching it
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