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News (Media Awareness Project) - US NY: Edu: When 4:20 Rolls Along Do You Light Up Or Peace Out?
Title:US NY: Edu: When 4:20 Rolls Along Do You Light Up Or Peace Out?
Published On:2003-04-17
Source:Daily Orange, The (NY Edu)
Fetched On:2008-01-20 19:37:08

It's the time of year when the holiest of observances take place. Jews have
Passover, Christians have Easter and stoners have 4/20. Why exactly this
number bears a certain significance is disputed. Rumors about the number of
chemicals in THC or the police codes for marijuana violations float around.
Whether or not any of them are true, 420 is an often recognized axiom when
pot smokers take time to celebrate the herbal refreshment. In this nature,
college students speak out about pot smoking and why, in the face of
D.A.R.E, anti-drug campaigns, medical proof and government regulations,
they continue to indulge in the recreational pharmaceutical. Former stoners
give their thoughts as well, commenting on why they chose to kick the wacky
tabacky to the curb.

"The first time I ever got really high everything was so normal, but no
matter what we did I couldn't stop laughing. I smoke cause it makes every
situation 300 times better and it brings together the most random people,
all of whom can relate on one level: that being high is utopia." Dennis
Canty, a sophomore at University of Massachusetts at Amherst

"I smoke pot to enhance my sexual performance and brain activity --
especially during long exams and reading assignments." Rachel Hinojosa, a
freshman at Syracuse University

"I smoke bud because it is a way to escape into the life that society tells
us we cannot live. When you are high, there are no worries, so you are
living in a carefree world, which is where I want to be." John Mitchell, a
freshman at Florida State University

"It's not the idea of pot that I hate, it's what it does to people with
addictive and/or depressed tendencies. I, unfortunately, have both. Doing
anything recreationally is all good and fine, but pot really takes its toll
on people and I've seen it in so many people and so many people refuse to
admit it." Colleen Fisher, former student at Syracuse University

"After two years of heavy use, it stopped being entertaining. Getting high
doesn't have shit on getting your mind together and being on one of those
cliche 'natural highs.' Believe me." George Gerard, sophomore at Syracuse
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