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News (Media Awareness Project) - Ethiopia: Column: The Ignored Challenge
Title:Ethiopia: Column: The Ignored Challenge
Published On:2003-05-02
Source:Addis Tribune (Ethiopia)
Fetched On:2008-01-20 18:15:14

Many, especialy those who are addicted to 'Chiat', condone the practice as
a source of enjoyment and they never admit the fact that the practice is
harmful, to the individual, the family and the nation as well. But I do
harbour the view that there is no question about it - "chiat" is harmful.
The fact that the addiction does not kill like HIV/AIDS does not mean that
it is not harmful.

Putting aside the question whether "chiat" is harmful or not for the time
being, let us talk of the points which are agreeable to everybody in the
Ethiopian context.

First, the number of people who are addicted to "chiat" is mounting from
time to time at the extent comparable to HIV epidemics or the consumption
of "chiat is increasing".

Second, like HIV, the addiction is affecting the productive section of the

Third, thousands, to the minimum, would be addicted to "chiat" every year
if the practice is not contained where it is now.

Unfortunately, many try to justify their attachment to "chiat" with
unemployment. True there is unemployment in Ethiopia than ever before. But
is "chiat" an outlet from the problem. There are also situations where this
pretext does not work.

Take universities and colleges, for instance. It is the busiest place, we
can say but we have a growing number of students who claim that they could
not study, even a page, without "chiat". Imagine the lives of these
students after graduation-they would definetly find themselves unable to
work without "chiat" due to previous orientation in the campus. This
creates damage in two ways. For one thing it affects their productivity in
the various sectors they would be engaged in after graduation. For the
other thing, it is a bad lesson for others. What kind of lesson do
youngsters ( those who did not have the chance to join University) draw
from the graduated ones?

The situation is the same for teenagers who are in high schools. There too,
there are students who avoid classes in favour of "chiat". Unfortunately,
there are teachers who dare to chew "chiat" with their students.

The important question we should raise at this point is why it is that the
number of people who are fond of "chiat" is increasing every year at
alarming rate.

As I see it, the main reasons are: one, there is high circulation of
"chiat" in the towns and countryside and in all corners of the country.

Two, characteristically, Many, if not all, who are addicted to "chiat",
deliberately, convince or tempt others to join them. They never tell how
they suffer because of the addiction.

Three, no effort is made on the part of government officials to limit the
practice. Rather it seems apparent that they have not even recognized the
issue as a problem. Unfortunately, there is rumour that there is high
consumption of "chiat" among some government officials.

Now, what are the downsides of "chiat"? We can mention the most visible ones.

Socially, for instance, the addicted ones do not feel at ease before they
have some "chiat". In due course, they may clash with someone for petty
reasons. If they ensure that they could not have "chiat" at all for
whatever reason, there will be a big mess-up with their family, friend and
what have you. If we evaluate them under circumstances where having "chiat"
is not a problem, we may observe that some may not find themselves in the
mood they seek to be in after "chiat" due to adaptation. In that case they
obviously opt to have something more powerful. In this way many have found
themselves in the world of drugs.

Let us look at it the other way round. When they find themselves in the
mood they have been seeking ("mirkana" as it is called), it proves
difficult to withstand the impact of "mirkana". And then they have to
liberate themselves from that state of mind. Otherwise they will not have
sleep. This is when they seek alcohol. Everybody can imagine the scenario
thereafter. This is where the addiction becomes a good partner to HIV. In
all these process, the addiction has got an impact on family and the
community as well.

Economically, as I mentioned above, it affects productivity. It also
ravages the economy of the family. By the way "chiat" is not cheap in the
Ethiopian context. One has to expend a minimum of two or three birr.
Imagine what this means in a country where millions are starving-two or
three bread daily or let us say weekly.

The impact of the addiction is very serious from the point of view of
politics. As the attachment to "chiat" gets firm among the youth, all the
questions that should be raised by the youth will come down to be a
question of "Chiat" inevitable in the future with the existing trend. The
question of academic freedom, human rights, involvement in the political
life of the country, employment, the question of productivity and all other
claims will turn out to be a question of "chiat". Because "chiat" will
ultimately get mastery over us (the youth). Instead of influencing the
leaders to move in line with the interest of the people and of the nation,
we will deal with the government on the issue of 'chiat'. That is when the
leaders will drive us the way they like, instead of the way we like. And we
need to know that we have to have a political awareness to evaluate the
policies of the government and that in turn depends on social awareness and
economic status which could be affected by the addiction we are talking
about. After all, who is going to take over power from the out-going

The main buisness of this question is to indicate that thousands are
becoming addicted every month or year and we should contain the addiction
where it is now and that is possible. But first of all, it should be
recognized as a problem that could affect the incoming generation and
thereby depriving the country a generation capable of fighting against
poverty, HIV, undemocratic rule and what have you.

If we are in the same line regarding the fact that thousands of, if not
millions of, youngsters are becoming or will be addicted to "chiat" every
ear, we could also agree on the fact that it should be contained before it
affects the incoming generation.

Everything that this takes is a campaign with a good strategy. To mention
some, for instance, we may use artists like Gashe Abera Molla, Gigi and
others who have got large followers, athelets like Haile Gebresellassie,
Derartu and others, teachers. I think it is also advisable to contact
people addicted to the practice to share their bitter experience in
connection with the addiction. By the way, we have got some volunteers (who
chew "chiat") who could speak against it.

I and my friends are discussing the problem. Let others also share with us
their views regarding the problem and how to fight it.
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