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News (Media Awareness Project) - Canada: Wisdom From The Trailer Park
Title:Canada: Wisdom From The Trailer Park
Published On:2003-05-02
Source:Winnipeg Sun (CN MB)
Fetched On:2008-01-20 18:14:09

Trailer Park Boys is a Showcase cable series on Sunday nights. Sun Media
caught up with the two main characters, Ricky and Julian, who are on a
Freedom 35 mission to get rich quick (and retire by the age of 35) by
growing dope hydroponically.

Sun: The federal government has hinted it may soon decriminalize the
possession of small amounts of marijuana. The Senate has recommended
legalization. How would that impact things for you guys at the trailer park?

RICKY: It would be pretty crappy for me because I'd be out of a job, you
know. That's how I make my living, growing dope, selling dope. Legalizing
would be good because you could smoke it and have it on you without going
to jail. It sucks for people like me 'cause then we got to find a real job,
I guess, and that's bulls---t.

JULIAN: I think the police should concentrate on the hardcore drugs and
leave the people that are growing a little bit of pot alone.

RICKY: We're not into hardcore drugs at all, we don't see anything wrong
with a little bit of pot.

Sun: A lot of people will argue that marijuana is less harmful than tobacco
or alcohol. Do you think that is true?

JULIAN: These are good Ricky questions 'cause he's the pot expert.

RICKY: I don't think pot is dangerous, I mean, I don't know, I find
normally people are more calm when they're on pot. People in jail when they
smoke pot are calm and there's not usually as many fights. You know, I'm
more of an a--hole when I'm drunk then when I'm stoned, I guess, and I
think that's the way it is with most people.

Sun: Can you make any money by growing and dealing pot in Canada?

RICKY: If you know what you're doing and you're pretty good at it, you can
make some pretty decent money, I guess. It's more about the quality of the
pot and growing good pot. Most times you buy pot it sucks. If you grow it
yourself you know it's going to be good.

Sun: Who do you sell to?

RICKY: Pretty much everyone but we don't sell to kids. People old enough to
drink to senior citizens.

JULIAN: Lawyers, judges, doctors.

Sun: Where can you get the highest quality bud?

JULIAN: We've had B.C. Bud and we enjoyed it but I think Ricky grows the
best dope in Canada.

RICKY: I think pretty much anywhere in Canada you're safe in finding good
pot if you know who to talk to.

JULIAN: There's Rickys in every city in Canada who know what they're doing
and grow good pot.

Sun: How do you get pot when you're in jail?

JULIAN: Ah, there's all kind of pot when you're in jail. You just have to
look for it and find the right guys. We've been in jail so many times, we
have quite a few friends there when we go back.

RICKY: A lot of people smuggle it in or sometimes you meet a prison guard
who wants to make a few extra bucks. It's better to get it from people who
smuggle it in. Prison guard pot sucks.
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