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News (Media Awareness Project) - US: Web: Study Shows Vaporizer Can Drastically Reduce Toxins
Title:US: Web: Study Shows Vaporizer Can Drastically Reduce Toxins
Published On:2003-05-09
Source:DrugSense Weekly
Fetched On:2008-01-20 17:43:40
Feature Article


By California NORML

Harmful toxins in marijuana smoke can be effectively avoided by a
vaporization device, according to a new study by California NORML and
MAPS (Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies) with
support from a grant from the MPP (Marijuana Policy Project).

The study, conducted by Chemic Labs in Canton, Mass., tested vapors
from cannabis heated in an herbal vaporizer known as the Volcano(R)
(manufactured by Storz & Bickel GmbH&Co. KG, Tuttlingen, Germany;
http://www.storz-bickel.com) and compared them to smoke produced by
combusted marijuana. The Volcano(R) is designed to heat material to
temperatures of 130 to 230 C (266 to 446 F) where medically active
vapors are produced, but below the threshold of combustion where smoke
is formed.

The vapors from the Volcano(R) were found to consist overwhelmingly of
THC, the major active component in marijuana, whereas the combusted
smoke contained over 100 other chemicals, including several
polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), carcinogenic toxins that are
common in tobacco smoke. The respiratory hazards of marijuana and
tobacco smoke are due to toxic byproducts of combustion, not the
active ingredients in the plant, known as cannabinoids.

The study suggests that medical marijuana patients can avoid the
respiratory hazards of smoking by using a vaporizer. In its 1999
report on medical marijuana, the Institute of Medicine recommended
against long-term use of smoked marijuana because of the health risks
of smoking. However, the IOM failed to take account of vaporizers.

Previous studies have found that vaporizers can reduce harmful toxins in
cannabis smoke. However, this is the first study to analyze the gas phase
of the vapor for a wide range of toxins. A previous NORML/MAPS study
conducted by Chemic Labs found that a vaporizer known as the M-1 Volatizer(R)
(http:// www.volatizer.com) completely eliminated three specific toxins
(naphthalene, benzene and toluene) in. the solid phase of the vapor (D.
Gieringer, "Cannabis Vaporization: A Promising Strategy for Smoke Harm
Reduction," Journal of Cannabis Therapeutics Vol. 1#3-4: 153-70 (2001);
http://www.canorml.org/healthfacts/vaporizerstudy1.html ).

The new study used a gas chromatograph mass spectrometer (GCMS) to
examine the gas components of the vapor. .The analysis showed that the
Volcano(R) vapor was remarkably clean, consisting 95% of THC with
traces of cannabinol (CBN), another cannabinoid. The remaining 5%
consisted of small amounts of three other components: one suspected
cannabinoid relative, one suspected PAH, and caryophyllene, a fragrant
oil in cannabis and other plants. In contrast over 111 different
components appeared in the gas of the combusted smoke, including a
half dozen known PAHs. Non-cannabinoids accounted for as much as 88%
of the total gas content of the smoke.

The study used standard NIDA cannabis with 4% THC content. A
quantitative analysis found that the Volcano(R) delivered 46% of the
THC into vapor following three 45-second exposures of the sample to
the heat. This compares favorably with the typical efficiency of
marijuana cigarettes as observed in other studies, which depending on
conditions can fall below 25% due to loss of THC in sidestream smoke.
An important feature of the Volcano(R) is that it uses a balloon to
capture the vapor, thereby avoiding leakage to the air. It is possible
that higher THC efficiencies could have been reached with the
Volcano(R) by stirring the sample around and exposing it to more heat.

The combusted sample achieved a relatively high THC efficiency of 78%
upon complete combustion. The high efficiency seems due to the fact
that the sample was completely consumed by combustion, and that smoke
leakage was effectively prevented by the laboratory setup. Similar
conditions do not obtain under normal circumstances when a marijuana
cigarette is smoked and much of the THC is lost to the air or left in
the unburned "roach."

Two other cannabinoids , cannabidiol (CBD) and cannabinol (CBN), were
detected in the NIDA cannabis in trace amounts of 0.1%. Both the
Volcano(R) and combustion delivered an apparent increase in CBD and
CBN, but the variance of the data was too high to reach statistically
significant conclusions.

Sponsors believe that the study results lend support for wider use of
vaporizers by medical marijuana patients and researchers. At present,
the only FDA-approved method for administering marijuana to human
research subjects is via smoking NIDA cigarettes. NORML and MAPS are
supporting efforts to have vaporizers approved by the FDA. As a first
step in this effort, Dr. Donald Abrams of the University of
California, San Francisco, has submitted a grant proposal to the
California Center for Medical Cannabis Research in San Diego to test
the Volcano(R) in human subjects. If the protocol is funded and the
Volcano(R) approved by the FDA for human research, it will be the
first human study using a vaporizer. If the FDA requests additional
laboratory data about the Volcano@, additional funding may be necessary.

For more information on vaporizers, see http://www.maps.org/mmj/vaporizer.html
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