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News (Media Awareness Project) - Canada: Ottawa's Pot Plan Overhaul Delayed Two More Weeks
Title:Canada: Ottawa's Pot Plan Overhaul Delayed Two More Weeks
Published On:2003-05-15
Source:Toronto Star (CN ON)
Fetched On:2008-01-20 07:30:02

U.S. Fears Canada's Strategy To Boost Smuggling McLellan Warns Of
Short-Term Spike In Use

OTTAWA--The U.S. officially registered its concern over marijuana "growing
operations" and smugglers with Canada's Justice Minister Martin Cauchon at
a private meeting in Washington, sources said yesterday.

The renewed expression of American concern comes as Cauchon delayed
introducing the overhaul of Canada's national drug strategy for two more
weeks, and clashed with one of his cabinet colleagues over the impact of
decriminalizing marijuana.

Health Minister Anne McLellan warned Canada must be ready to deal with a
possible short term "spike" in pot use and move aggressively to counter
illegal growers of high-grade pot.

McLellan said the rise in drug use usually levels off, but a comprehensive
health and law enforcement package must accompany decriminalization.

She echoed concerns in the United States that Canada's plan to make
possession of less than 15 grams a minor ticketing offence may boost
illegal growing operations of marijuana.

"I have made it very plain that until we are able to effectively deal with
illegal 'grow ops' in this country, we have a major, major problem,"
McLellan told reporters.

Sources said that's the same message U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft
communicated to Cauchon in a private meeting Tuesday evening.

Ashcroft told his Canadian counterpart the U.S. "absolutely" acknowledged
Ottawa "had the right to make its own law," but disagreed with Canada's
approach and fears a flood of high-grade pot across its borders.

Ashcroft politely but firmly indicated the U.S. is concerned that Canada
has not adequately addressed the cross-border and law enforcement issues,
one source said.

"There's no denying that there is concern on the American side," the source
said. "What matters now is what we do on the penalty side" against illegal
marijuana growing operations to shut them down."

Cauchon refused yesterday to discuss the U.S. reaction or state whether
their concerns have been addressed, saying he did not go there to "consult"
Ashcroft, rather to inform him of the broad outline of Canada's plan. "I
just want to be clear," Cauchon bristled.

"As justice minister I will do what I think is good for the Canadian

Cauchon also dismissed McLellan's view that decriminalization leads to a
short-term rise in drug use.

McLellan said other jurisdictions that have eased sanctions for marijuana
see levels of drug use rise then "level off" again.

She stressed it is important to have measures in place for that period when
more people, especially youth, decide to use the drug.

"It can lead to addiction, it can lead to all sorts of situations within
local communities and you need to be ready with information, with education
and with treatment. And you have to be very clear about the message -- this
is not about legalization," she said.

But Cauchon said 100,000 Canadians already use cannabis on a daily basis,
and the coming legal changes will mean the government will do "a much
better job" at combating the problem.

McLellan said details of funding for the over-all strategy are still being
worked out.
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