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News (Media Awareness Project) - Canada: Web: Bad Buzz
Title:Canada: Web: Bad Buzz
Published On:2003-05-16
Source:ABC News (US Web)
Fetched On:2008-01-20 07:26:20

U.S. Keeping Close Eye on Canada Pot Proposal

May 16-- Resentful Canadian legislators who want to decriminalize carrying
around a decent-sized stash of marijuana are accusing their prime minister
of giving in to U.S. meddling aimed at nipping the domestic drug plan in
the bud.

Canada delayed introducing a proposal to decriminalize marijuana possession
after its justice minister met Tuesday in Washington with U.S. Attorney
General John Ashcroft.

Prime Minister Jean Chretien is taking a pounding from opposition
legislators angered that his administration floated the proposal with U.S.
officials before discussing it with them. Reacting to Justice Minister
Martin Cauchon's meeting with Ashcroft, New Democrat leader Jack Layton
said, "There goes Canadian sovereignty up in smoke," The Associated Press

The proposal would make possession of 15 grams or less of pot -- enough
marijuana for approximately 20 joints -- a minor offense. Offenders would
face fines on par with those for traffic tickets, rather than jail terms or
criminal records.

Cauchon stresses that the proposal does not legalize marijuana. Instead, it
is an attempt to shift penalties. The proposal would stiffen penalties for
plant-growing operations and traffickers. He argues that the current
penalty system has left thousands of Canadians needlessly tarred with
criminal records and that cases on minor marijuana offenses are clogging
the courts.

Seeking Permission?

Canadian opposition legislators were angered not only that the Chretien
administration discussed the drug plan with Washington first, but also by
the appearance that Canada was seeking U.S. permission to pursue a domestic

Before his Washington visit, Cauchon had also discussed the plan with
Ashcroft at a recent Group of Eight summit.

When the proposal was put forward in a policy speech late last year, U.S.
officials were quick to voice their opposition. John Walters, director of
the Office of National Drug Policy, warned that the decriminalization
proposal would increase both Canada's drug problem and the flow of
marijuana to the United States.

Both Walters and U.S. Ambassador Paul Cellucci have said a
decriminalization program in Canada could lead to major slowdowns at border
crossings as U.S. Customs and immigration officials would be more vigilant
in searching for drug smugglers.

The original proposal would have decriminalized possession of 30 grams or
less, and had been slated to be introduced in Parliament this week.Cauchon
downplayed suggestions that the delay was prompted by U.S. pressure, and
said he would introduce the proposal shortly after the legislature's recess
next week.

Bullied by Bush?

According to Ethan Nadelmann, executive director of the U.S.-based Drug
Policy Alliance, some Canadian politicians were expressing concern about
possible U.S. retaliation for the policy.

"I think they are feeling bullied and intimidated, especially with Cellucci
and Walters being so strident and threatening," Nadelmann said.

Nadelmann, whose group supports making marijuana legally available for
medical purposes and ending criminal penalties for marijuana, except those
involving distribution of drugs to children, said no decriminalization
program is perfect, but U.S. policy is failing. The enormous expenditures
and continuing high incarceration rates suggest, Nadelmann said, that
America needs a new approach to its "war on drugs."

Noting that many Americans support reducing or eliminating prison sentences
for minor drug-possession offenses as well as the medical use of marijuana,
Nadelmann said the Bush administration is pushing an extremist position
with an "ideological fervor not unlike Carrie Nation and the temperance

Canada's move toward decriminalizing pot, Nadelmann said, would highlight
that extremism. "It's one thing for the Bush administration to have to deal
with the fact that more and more of the industrialized world is moving
toward legal regulation of marijuana, but to have our closest neighbor and
ally talking and acting in favor of it further legitimizes it."

Nadelmann, who visited Vancouver earlier this month to discuss drug policy
initiatives, said Vancouver Mayor Larry Campbell told him that federal
ministers were feeling concerned about pressure from U.S. officials
regarding the marijuana proposal.

But Mike Murphy, a spokesman in Cauchon's office, said there was no
pressure from U.S. officials to vet the plan before it was introduced in
the Canadian legislature. "It was a meeting that was conducted in an
atmosphere of mutual respect. It was a cordial meeting in which items of
mutual interest were discussed," Murphy said.

The U.S. Justice Department had no further comment beyond a joint press
release issued after the meeting, which said Ashcroft and Cauchon discussed
the full range of U.S.-Canadian issues, including counterterrorism,
counternarcotics, extradition and mutual legal assistance.

In spite of a growing list of disputes with Canada -- ranging from its
opposition to the U.S.-led war in Iraq and an ongoing dispute among
Canadian legislators over the U.S. National Defense Missile Program --
Murphy stressed that the drug policy initiative was not creating another
snag in U.S.-Canada ties.

"The U.S. is a great friend and important ally," Murphy said. "There's been
some misinformation out there. The proposal is not calling for the
legalization of marijuana. Marijuana possession in small quantities will
still be illegal. What we're talking about is an alternative penalty program."

Creating a New Problem?

Not all ministers were angered by the delay of the decriminalization
proposal. Health Minister Anne McLellan expressed concern that passage of
the proposal would lead to a spike in marijuana use. She cited statistics
showing that usage rose in the 12 U.S. states immediately after marijuana
was decriminalized. She noted, however, that usage in those state
eventually returned to original levels.

She said she would not back the proposal until she had funding for a
strategy to deal with increased usage or addiction.

Howard Simon, spokesman for the U.S.-based Partnership for a Drug-Free
America, echoed McLellan's concern. Simon's group focuses on helping
American kids and teens reject substance abuse. There are two particularly
influential factors that affect decisions to try drugs, Simon said: the
level of perceived risk and the level of perceived social approval. "If you
lessen one it will affect the other," he said.

However, whether a country regulates a substance or not, Simon said, may
make little difference in the end.

If parents talk with their kids regularly, openly and honestly, kids will
be better equipped to choose not to use drugs, he said. And helping kids
stay away from drug use will likely steer them away from drug use in
adulthood. "In the final analysis it's about choice, whether it's a legal
or illegal product."
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