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News (Media Awareness Project) - US NY: No-Knock Shock Carries Big Risks
Title:US NY: No-Knock Shock Carries Big Risks
Published On:2003-05-17
Source:Newsday (NY)
Fetched On:2008-01-20 07:22:24

The fact that police raided a Hamilton Heights woman's apartment solely on
the word of a confidential informant is "astounding," the head of the New
York Civil Liberties Union said in criticizing the action.

Donna Lieberman said police must meet "a very high standard for a no-knock

"We don't live in the Wild West," she said. "You can't throw grenades into
an apartment unless you are sure as it can be."

The raid, on apartment 6F of 310 W. 143rd St., left Alberta Spruill, 57, a
longtime city employee, dead after a heart attack.

Police Commissioner Ray Kelly said an informant told detectives on May 5
that a drug dealer lived on the ninth floor of Spruill's building but
stashed drugs and guns in 6F. Officers also believed there was a dog or dogs
inside, officials said, and also cited other unspecified surveillance.

Flash grenades are used to distract people in a targeted apartment, and
Kelly said they have been used 85 times this year and 150 last year.

Kelly said permission to use grenades must be granted beforehand by a
superior unless there are "exigent circumstances." The lieutenant who called
for the use of the grenade has been placed on administrative leave.

The department's explanations were not good enough for Lieberman.

"There is a common-sense answer to this," she said. "It would have been a
simple matter to find out who was living in the apartment and get
information to corroborate or contradict the informant. When police fail to
exercise common sense, everyone gets hurt. In this case the consequences are

A local lawmaker also expressed dismay over the incident.

"We support our police but slipshod information and slipshod police work
will not be tolerated," said Assem. Keith Wright (D-Harlem). "I would have
had a heart attack myself if somebody threw an incendiary device in my

"This would not happen on the Upper East Side. It happens in the Harlems of
New York City."

Weapon of Distraction

Flash grenades such as the one linked to the Hamilton Heights raid are
deployed to reduce use of guns in forced-entry situations.


Body Weight: 1.5 lbs

Fuse assembly

Brass Collar

Output holes (6)


Flash powder

Cardboard tube

Output hole

5.73 Inches in height

1.75 Inches in width

Effect: Produces loud report and brilliant flash.

Explosive compound: 15 grams

Sound level: 174.5 decibels at 5 feet

Light level: 2.42 million candela*

Duration: 9 milliseconds

*A candela is one unit of luminous intensity.

SOURCE: Defense Technology Corp. of America
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