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News (Media Awareness Project) - US: Wire: OPED: Drug War Double Standards
Title:US: Wire: OPED: Drug War Double Standards
Published On:2003-05-20
Source:United Press International (Wire)
Fetched On:2008-01-20 06:52:19
Outside View


WASHINGTON -- Allegations in Rolling Stone magazine that Jenna and Barbara
Bush enjoy an occasional toke should come as no surprise to anyone familiar
with the proclivities of 21-year-olds, especially those as notoriously
predisposed to partying as the "first twins."

But while allegations of the first twins' pot smoking is hardly surprising,
its implication with regard to political policy should not go unnoticed.

Whether the allegations are confirmed, the extraordinary fact remains that
their father's administration has now overseen the arrest of more than
640,000 Americans for engaging in such "youthful indiscretions" -- even
going so far as to prosecute medicinal marijuana patients and their
providers in states where the use of physician-approved pot is legal.

Unfortunately, drug-warring politicians have a long history of adhering to
the "do as I say, not as I do" philosophy, particularly when it comes to
their children.

Take California Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham. He co-sponsored legislation
mandating the death penalty for "drug kingpins," but pleaded for mercy when
his son Todd was convicted for smuggling 400 pounds of pot. The seven-term
Republican, known for his career-long vitriol against "soft on crime"
judges, found himself begging a federal judge to waive his son's five-year
mandatory sentence. Fortunately for the San Diego Republican, the judge was
"soft" enough to give Todd 30 months in prison -- half the federal
"mandatory" minimum.

Similar treatment was given to Dan Burton II, son of the 11-time Indiana
congressman. He was arrested several times for marijuana and firearms
felonies in the mid-1990s but never received more than community service
and probation. Prosecutors jumped through hoops to keep Burton's kid out of
jail, including underestimating the total weight of the 30 plants he was
caught with as only 25 grams, thus reducing his charge to a misdemeanor.

His son's brushes with the law apparently meant little to the elder Burton,
who following his son's arrest voted against legislation to expand drug
treatment as an alternative to prison for qualified drug offenders.

And of course there are the escapades of Noelle Bush -- niece of President
George W. Bush and daughter of Florida Gov. Jeb Bush -- whose run-ins with
the law made national headlines last year. First, the 25-year-old got
popped attempting to purchase tranquilizers with a forged prescription.
That charge alone could have netted her five years in prison, but
authorities sentenced her to drug rehab instead -- a move her father
lauded, despite previously opposing a ballot initiative mandating treatment
instead of jail for other people's daughters facing similar non-violent
drug charges.

But Noelle's special treatment didn't end there. While in rehab, she was
caught again with unauthorized prescription drugs -- another felony, or in
her case, a minor transgression punishable by three days in jail.

After returning to rehab, she was busted a third time; this time allegedly
with crack cocaine. However, her father's lawyers filed a successful motion
with the courts forbidding the police from gathering evidence or statements
from the rehab facility's staff about the incident. Noelle ultimately
served a total of 13 days in jail for her bevy of drug charges, while her
father denounced allegations that she received preferential treatment.

It is possible that Jeb Bush believed he was telling the truth. After all,
if the sons and daughters of the political elite never face the brunt of
their parents' Drug War, maybe the president, the Florida governor and
their politico brethren assume nobody else's children do either.

Which brings us back to Jenna and Barbara Bush and their alleged pot smoking.

Chances are the White House will refer to the alleged incident as a private
matter. But with an astonishing 250,000 Americans now behind bars for drug
offenses, it is painfully obvious that the matter has become quite public
- -- that is, for other people's children. Until this reality changes, expect
the children of the political elite to keep on smoking, and expect the
Washington to keep dropping the hammer -- on someone else's kids, of course.
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