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News (Media Awareness Project) - US AR: PUB LTE: Drug Testing Should Stop
Title:US AR: PUB LTE: Drug Testing Should Stop
Published On:2003-05-29
Source:Log Cabin Democrat (AR)
Fetched On:2008-01-20 05:59:03

Thanks to Tammy Keith for her May 23 article concerning drug testing. It
puzzles me as to why, after seeing massive evidence that student drug
testing does not work, any school board member would want to keep the
Conway School District's drug-testing policy, rather than put money spent
on drug testing to better use on truly educational programs.

Instead, however, the school board members quoted in Ms. Keith's article
seem unconcerned that drug testing doesn't work, and they seem willing to
ignore scientific evidence that substantiates this.

"Absolutely not," School board President Terry Fiddler is quoted as saying,
after being asked if he would put drug testing on the school board agenda.
School board member Floyd Balentine is quoted as saying he hasn't seen any
evidence that would make him change his mind.

Earth to school board: Stop wasting tax money on programs that don't work.
Stop subjecting Conway's children to an emotionally abusive policy that
doesn't work. Repeal your failed drug-testing policy immediately.

Bruce Plopper, Conway:
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