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News (Media Awareness Project) - US: 'Guru Of Ganja' Sees Cracks Developing In Federal Anti-Drug Laws
Title:US: 'Guru Of Ganja' Sees Cracks Developing In Federal Anti-Drug Laws
Published On:2003-06-13
Source:Forward (US)
Fetched On:2008-01-20 04:41:39

Oakland - The self-proclaimed "guru of ganja" Ed Rosenthal says his
one-day, time-already-served sentence for three marijuana-cultivation
felonies proves that federal laws against pot are going up in smoke. But a
federal judge in San Francisco insisted that this get-out-of-jail-free card
could be played only once.

Rosenthal faced the possibility of a decades-long prison sentence and fines
totaling millions of dollars.

In defense of the light sentence handed out June 4, U.S. District Judge
Charles Breyer described Rosenthal's belief that state and city laws
shielded him from federal prosecution as reasonable but wrong. However, the
judge added, this case has put Rosenthal, 58, of Oakland, and the rest of
the nation "on notice" so nobody else can harbor such a belief in good faith.

In other words: From now on, do the crime and you'll do the time - case closed.

Nonsense, countered a defiant Rosenthal, in an exclusive interview with the
Forward a few days after his sentencing.

"Imagine a box in the bottom of the ocean, and the box is supposedly
watertight. If there's even the smallest crack, water starts getting into
that box," the Bronx-born Rosenthal said. "That's what the laws are like
now; they're hollowed out and leaky... and I think [Breyer's] effort to
stop progress is futile."

California voters in 1996 approved a law allowing medical use of marijuana,
but federal law still bans it entirely. Drug Enforcement Administration
agents busted Rosenthal, a prolific pro-marijuana author and columnist, in
February 2002 for growing marijuana plants in a West Oakland building and
selling them to a San Francisco medical marijuana club.

Breyer denied Rosenthal's request to inform the jury of his belief that he
w as shielded from the federal law by the state law and by an Oakland
ordinance under which he was deemed an officer of the city allowed to grow
marijuana. Before trial, Breyer ruled that the state and city had no
authority to "deputize" Rosenthal in this way and that his status under
their laws was irrelevant to his culpability under federal law. Jurors
convicted Rosenthal January 31, but later rallied to his defense after
learning of the state and city protections.

Rosenthal is appealing the verdict in order to clear the felony convictions
from his record and set a true precedent for the use of marijuana for
medicinal purposes. He hopes the appellate court will order a new trial in
which he'll be allowed to present his defense based on the state and city
laws - an order that would encourage other states and cities across the
nation to pass similar laws. A pending bill in the U.S. House of
Representatives - the "Truth in Trials Act," now with 34 co-sponsors -
would accomplish much the same.

The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals could overrule Breyer's lenient
sentence and toss Rosenthal in a cell. But Rosenthal said that the verdict
must be challenged or else "from now on medical marijuana users and their
providers will be treated as common criminals." Rosenthal likened his case
and his cause to the civil rights movement of the 1960s.

"Patients should be able to get their medicine - that's not just a civil
right, that's a human right," he said. "It's not often a government has
denied sick people an effective medicine. You could almost consider it a
form of genocide because if they don't get their medicine, a certain number
of people will die. The government just sees that as a cost - or maybe a
benefit - of its policy."

Two counts against Rosenthal were punishable by five to 40 years in prison,
the third by up to 20 years. The former charges carried a five-year
mandatory minimum sentence, and prosecutors sought a six-year term. But
Breyer found that Rosenthal's clean record provided a "safety valve"
exception to the mandatory minimum. Also, the judge concluded, Rosenthal's
assumption that he was protected by state and city laws - although
incorrect - was a mitigating factor meriting an enormous downward departure
from the sentence he otherwise would have faced. The day behind bars
Rosenthal served when first arrested was punishment enough, Breyer ruled,
along with a $1,000 fine and three years probation.

Prosecutors declined comment, and the DEA vowed to keep enforcing federal
law. Meanwhile, marijuana advocates were hailing the light sentence as a
harbinger of reforms to come.

"This law is dead. Now the questions are, 'How long will it take it to
die?' and 'How many people will suffer in the meantime?'" said Bruce
Mirken, communications director for the Marijuana Policy Project in
Washington. "This is too big and too important, and despite what the judge
may have said, what he recognized was that it was not viable to send this
man to prison. He [the judge] would've been lynched."

Actually, Rosenthal put Breyer through a verbal lashing anyway.

When Breyer first announced the sentence, Rosenthal was grinning elatedly
at the news that he could go home with his wife and daughter. Minutes
later, however, Rosenthal was outside the courthouse, red-faced and
shouting about how Breyer should resign for having violated his rights
during the trial. The Guru of Ganja suddenly sounded like the Moses of
Marijuana, admonishing the federal pharaohs to let his people go so that he
could lead them into the promised land of legalization.

"This is day one in the crusade to bring down the marijuana laws - all the
marijuana laws!" he yelled during a fiery speech to a throng of cheering
supporters and a wall of national news media. The federal government
doesn't distinguish between medical and recreational marijuana use, so
neither will he, he said - all marijuana convicts should be freed, and "all
marijuana should be legal!"

Rosenthal's pro-legalization beliefs have been clear since his first guide
to growing the illegal plant was published almost 30 years ago, but his
bluntness made some medical marijuana advocates cringe just a bit.

"He's not a diplomat," said Jane Marcus, a resident of Palo Alto who handed
out "Ed Rosenthal - Hero" buttons at a convention of Reform synagogue
leaders in February.

Marcus and others at Congregation Beth Am in Los Altos Hills, Calif.,
launched a "Medical Marijuana as Mitzvah" project in 1999 to convince faith
communities that the legalization of medicinal marijuana was an important
social-justice cause for all Jews to adopt. The project led delegates at
that year's Women of Reform Judaism national meeting to approve a
resolution urging sisterhoods nationwide to become informed about the
issue. The resolution also urged sisterhoods to call for more research on
medicinal marijuana use and to urge Congress to reclassify marijuana so it
can be prescribed for critically ill patients.

In recent months Marcus has been attempting to build support for Rosenthal
throughout Northern California's Jewish community.

Noting that both Breyer and Rosenthal are Jewish, Marcus told the Forward
she saw in the lenient sentence an almost kabbalistic balance of justice
and compassion. She said she was only slightly uncomfortable with
Rosenthal's post-sentencing tirade in favor of total legalization.

"The only problem it causes for me is [that] the opponents can say, 'See, I
told you the medical marijuana was just a smokescreen, a foot in the door
for legalization,'" Marcus said. "Yes, he was strident and irascible, and
yes, you want to wring his neck for what he said about Breyer.... But this
is what the man believes, and I believe it too. I've been a little bit coy
about it in the work I do; I want to be able to say the question about
recreational use is irrelevant when you're talking about medical, because
obviously the sick should be able to have it.

"Given the political realities, we've had to separate the medical and the
nonmedical. Maybe this is a foot in the door, but you have to show
compassion and give it to the sick people who need it."

Rosenthal said he's now sifting through thousands of messages from
well-wishers; writing; pursuing an unrelated lawsuit against the trustees
of High Times magazine, to which he contributed for many years; and trying
to relax, at least until his appeal is filed in a few weeks.

He's enjoying his freedom but believes it was "a strategic move on Breyer's

"If he had sentenced me to any time at all and remanded me, it would've
pushed this case even further," Rosenthal said. "I've always said I'll
never do any time. Even my attorneys were starting to despair - they didn't
think I was being realistic, especially after I was convicted."
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