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News (Media Awareness Project) - US: White House Targets Faith-Based Youth Groups In Drug War
Title:US: White House Targets Faith-Based Youth Groups In Drug War
Published On:2003-07-11
Source:Washington Times (DC)
Fetched On:2008-01-20 01:38:16

The Bush administration yesterday called on religious youth groups to join
the war against drugs and began dispersing antidrug informational materials
to religious organizations as part of the president's faith-based

The main guidebook, "Pathways to Prevention: Guiding Youth to Wise
Decisions," seeks to teach youth leaders how to handle questions and
concerns about substance abuse. It was created by the Office of National
Drug Control Policy.

"As a measure of what still needs to be done, we need to be candid," said
John Walters, director of the ONDCP, at a press conference flanked by
Christian, Jewish and Islamic community leaders.

"As long as (America's youth) have, in their minds, the expectation that
drug abuse comes as a rite of passage, we will continue to lose too many of
our young people."

Opponents of Mr. Bush's faith-based efforts immediately criticized the
program, saying the packets violate the separation between church and state.

"The Bush administration seems to think there's a 'faith-based' solution to
every social and medical problem in America," said Barry Lynn, executive
director of Americans United for Separation of Church and State.

"The project announced today is one very small part of a larger crusade that
raises troubling constitutional concerns," he said.

Mr. Lynn said the Bush administration can't seem to distinguish between
treatment programs that follow medical and scientific procedures "and those
based on preaching and evangelism."

Mr. Walters said the pamphlets, guidebooks and Web sites are only intended
as an optional way to empower churches about confronting drug-abuse issues,
he said.

The drug-policy office has thus far printed 75,000 activity guides and
100,000 informational brochures at a total cost of $115,000, Mr. Walters
said. Funding came from the National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign, a White
House-sponsored initiative targeting children and teenagers between the ages
of 9 and 18.

Recent research suggests religious involvement may reduce adolescent
smoking, heavy drinking and marijuana use. Adolescents who consider religion
important in their lives were half as likely to use drugs such as marijuana
than those who don't, according to a study published in March by the
American Psychological Association.

Another study, conducted by the National Center on Addiction and Substance
Abuse, found that teenagers who don't view faith as important are up to four
times more likely to smoke marijuana.

Teaching religious youth-group leaders how to educate students about drug
and alcohol awareness will help fight the "wreckage and carnage" caused by
abuse, said Jim Towey, director of the White House's Office of Faith-Based
and Community Initiatives. Many churches he has visited seek ways to help
treat addicts, he said.

"The reality is a lot of churches don't know how," Mr. Towey said. "This
tool kit, I think, is going to be a lifesaver for churches that don't know
how to help, but want to."

Echoing sentiments expressed by his other denominational counterparts,
Sayyid Syeed, secretary general of the Islamic Society of North America,
added: "That's why we're very proud to be part of this jihad on drugs and
alcohol in America."

Mr. Lynn, meanwhile, attacked the program as a solution that "raises serious
constitutional problems."

"The White House is ignoring vital constitutional safeguards. The
constitution calls for a separation between religion and government, not a
merger," said Mr. Lynn.
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