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News (Media Awareness Project) - US: Column: Flip-flop No 2
Title:US: Column: Flip-flop No 2
Published On:2003-08-07
Source:Washington Times (DC)
Fetched On:2008-01-19 17:00:21
Flip-flop No. 2

Medical marijuana fans are accusing presidential contender Sen. John
Kerry of flip-flopping on the issue to the point where he now
essentially embraces the Bush administration's position.

The Massachusetts Democrat said Wednesday he'd put off any final
decision on medical marijuana because there's "a study under way
analyzing what the science is."

But Aaron Houston of the Granite Staters for Medical Marijuana said
that just a month ago Mr. Kerry seemed to endorse medical marijuana
use, and when asked about the content of his mysterious study, said,
"I am trying to find out. I don't know."

Mr. Kerry did say his "personal disposition is open to the issue of
medical marijuana" and that he'd stop Drug Enforcement Administration
raids on patients using the stuff under California's medical marijuana

Mr. Houston said that rang hollow.

"I was embarrassed for the senator," Mr. Houston said. "He seemed so
afraid to take a clear stand that he hid behind a study he knows
nothing about -- and which may not even exist."

Mr. Kerry could end up endorsing the same policy as Attorney General
John Ashcroft, who shepherded the DEA policy against medical marijuana
users, Mr. Houston said -- leaving Rep. Dennis J. Kucinich as the most
medical marijuana-friendly presidential candidate. The Ohio Democrat
has promised to issue an executive order allowing its use.
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