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News (Media Awareness Project) - US MS: LTE: Legalizing Drugs Will Only Add To Problem
Title:US MS: LTE: Legalizing Drugs Will Only Add To Problem
Published On:2003-08-13
Source:Greenwood Commonwealth (MS)
Fetched On:2008-01-19 17:00:14

Would Increase Number Of Addicts By The Millions

Editor, Commonwealth:

I am writing in response to the letter to the editor in the Aug. 8
edition of the Commonwealth ("Decriminalize drugs and nation will be

Liberals always have such a simplistic view of everything that
sometimes it is hard to carry on a conversation with them. Their views
are so narrow in focus they are literally blinded to everything else.
Drugs are such an evil, pervasive part of the American culture. Almost
everyone is touched by them in one way or another.

A teenager is told by his "open-minded" parents that it is all right
to smoke a little marijuana at home or at a party. These are the same
parents who had indulged in drugs when they were young and they want
their kids to think they are with it. So, they allow their children to
use drugs. They let their children indulge in drug use, but they don't
want them to have to accept the responsibility for what they are
doing. The children wind up addicted and move on to harder drugs.
These parents now have a drug addict in the family.

What is their solution to the problem? We must legalize drug use so it
won't be a crime. Now, there is a novel solution. Why stop there? Why
don't we legalize everything, then there won't be any more crime.

A society that tries to succeed without self-discipline is doomed.
Everyone, whether they be male or female, young or old, black or
white, rich or poor, should be required to accept responsibility for
their actions. If you do something good, you get to take the credit
for it. If you do something bad, you should accept responsibility for
your actions. You accept your punishment and then move on with your
life. This will never happen as long as you have apologists who will
make excuses for those who commit crimes.

Those who do drugs had a conscious choice in the direction they took
in their lives. They did not use drugs because it was forced on them.
They were told by numerous individuals that it was OK, it was not
their fault, society was the culprit because we had these laws we
required everyone to obey.

There will never be an easy solution to this hideous problem that
faces parents today. However, this nation has a rule of law, and good
or bad, like it or not, it is the best thing going right now.

If Miss Anita Mayfield thinks that legalizing drugs is going to solve
the problem, she is very naive. The only possible result of this
action will be to increase by millions the number of drug addicts who
will continue to be a drain on the society whose laws they no longer
have to obey.

Charles T. Chapin

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