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News (Media Awareness Project) - US TX: Bliss Met With Player After Scheme Revealed
Title:US TX: Bliss Met With Player After Scheme Revealed
Published On:2003-08-18
Source:Victoria Advocate (TX)
Fetched On:2008-01-19 16:42:57

AUSTIN - The morning after a plot by former Baylor basketball coach
Dave Bliss to cover up potential NCAA violations was revealed, he met
for about an hour with one of the players he tried to use in the
scheme, bringing a tape recorder to the meeting.

Richard Guinn, father of Bears senior center R.T. Guinn, also recorded
the meeting at his house Saturday and gave his copy to Baylor

Richard Guinn refused Sunday to disclose the nature of the
conversation, but said Bliss at one point told the player, "I'm sorry
about the things that happened."

"I'm upset that he tried to use R.T. in his scheme," Richard Guinn
told The Associated Press. He gave his tape to Baylor "to see if
there's anything they can use."

Guinn said Bliss planned to visit another player, Harvey Thomas, the
same day. Thomas' live-in fiancee told The Dallas Morning News that
Bliss knocked on their door but they did not answer.

Thomas did not return a telephone message seeking comment

Bliss tried to use the players and an assistant coach in an attempt to
portray slain Baylor player Patrick Dennehy as a drug dealer.

Secretly-recorded tapes of conversations between Bliss, assistant Abar
Rouse and players show Bliss thought the drug story would steer
investigators away from allegations the coach had improperly paid for
Dennehy's tuition, an NCAA violation.

Bliss's coverup attempt was revealed Friday night when Rouse gave the
Fort Worth Star-Telegram a copy of his tapes.

Bliss resigned Aug. 8 when the school announced he had been involved
in improper tuition payments to two players.

"What we've got to do here is create drugs," Bliss said on one of the
tapes, which were recorded July 30, 31 and Aug. 1.

He wanted to portray Dennehy as a dealer who presented Baylor players
with marijuana and other "exotic" drugs and carried a wad of thousands
of dollars in cash.

"It's not like we created his situation," Bliss said. "We're the

Bliss said Dennehy couldn't deny the allegations because he was

Dennehy was found shot to death on July 25. An autopsy found no
alcohol, opiates, amphetamines or barbiturates in his system, but his
body was too decomposed to test for marijuana.

Baylor investigators found no evidence Dennehy was involved in drug

After the cover up was revealed, Bliss called the Guinn house early
Saturday morning and asked to come over, Richard Guinn said. When he
showed up with a tape recorder, Richard Guinn said he also decided to
record the conversation.

Richard Guinn said Bliss remained composed during the

"He said he was scared of what was coming out on the tapes," Richard
Guinn said. Bliss didn't say why he wanted to record the

"I told Bliss we're not going to lie, we're not going to cover up,
we're not going to hold back anything," Richard Guinn said.

Bliss did not return a telephone message left at his home

Bill Underwood, a member of the Baylor investigating committee, said
he had not heard the Guinn tape and could not comment on its contents.
He said the panel was conducting more interviews on Sunday. Calls to
the other members of the committee were not immediately returned.

Baylor officials have said one unidentified player tried to use the
Dennehy drug dealing story with investigators but he recanted once the
tape surfaced.

Guinn said his son met with the committee before Rouse's tapes were
recorded and again Friday night after they were revealed. Richard
Guinn said R.T. was out of state visiting his mother Aug. 6-13 and
that his son did not meet with investigators between Aug. 1 and Aug.

"No, not that I'm aware of," he said.

"They already had his testimony and it was straight," Guinn said.
"I've always told him, go in and tell the truth ... We haven't done
anything wrong."

Although several players have asked for their release from Baylor to
consider transferring to other schools, Guinn said his son wants to
stay because he's close to graduation.

Bliss has told The Dallas Morning News that another player, Ellis Kidd
Jr., also was at meetings where the drug dealing scheme was discussed.

Ellis Kidd Sr. told the newspaper in Sunday's editions that he talked
with Baylor officials Friday night and had been advised not to
comment. He could not immediately be reached for comment on Sunday.

A former teammate, Carlton Dotson, has been charged with Dennehy's
murder. Dotson remains jailed in his home state of Maryland awaiting

Baylor officials have said they expect to give the tapes they have
received to local prosecutors to determine if any laws were broken.

Dennehy's stepfather, Brian Brabazon, told the AP he plans to pursue a
civil lawsuit in the case.

"I doubt we'll ever have peace of mind in our lives the way this is
going," Brabazon said.
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