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News (Media Awareness Project) - Web: DrugSense Weekly, Jan. 18, 2008, #532
Title:Web: DrugSense Weekly, Jan. 18, 2008, #532
Published On:2008-01-16
Source:DrugSense Weekly (DSW)
Fetched On:2008-01-19 13:45:18
DRUGSENSE WEEKLY, JAN. 18, 2008 #532

Read This Publication On-line at: http://www.drugsense.org/current.htm


* This Just In

(1) High Court To Hear Drug Case From S.C.

(2) Mexican Forces Clash With Drug Cartel Gunmen In Tijuana

(3) Column: Condo Huff: Don't Fear The Reefer

(4) Patients Want Pot For Pain

* Weekly News in Review

Drug Policy

(5) Smarter Crooks, Fewer Drug Busts

(6) Cocaine: Safe Communities Draw Drug Traffickers

(7) Editorial: Out Of Control

(8) Agencies Scrambling For Cash To Fight Drug War

Law Enforcement & Prisons

(9) Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson Expects Crackdown To Result In Violence

(10) FBI to Assist in Investigation of Lima Woman Killed in Deadly Raid

(11) Review: Crackonomics 101

(12) Prison Plan Worries Local Officials

Cannabis & Hemp

(13) Emery Should Be A Free Man

(14) Plenty O' Pot News

(15) Nebraska Penalties For Marijuana Possession Called 'Too Lenient'

(16) Abuse Of Cannabis Puts 500 A Week In Hospital

International News

(17) Addiction To Drugs Rife In Jails

(18) Plan Targets Serious Drug Offenders

(19) Cocaine Boom In Europe Fuels New Laundering Tactics

(20) Kakagl Villagers' Move Praised

* Hot Off The 'Net

Legal Ease With Kirk Tousaw

This Is Your TV On Drugs / By Milagros Gamero

Drug Truth Network

Marc Emery Explains Why He Took The Deal

Candidates Offered $20,000 To Defend Position On Medical Marijuana

Judge Eleanor Levingston Schockett Will Be Missed

* What You Can Do This Week

Mark Emery Needs Your Help

White House Announces Dates, Locations For Drug Testing Summits

* Letter Of The Week

Getting Real About Drugs Is Best Harm Prevention / Tony Newman

* Feature Article

American Gangsters / Mark Draughn

* Quote of the Week

W.E.B. Du Bois

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