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News (Media Awareness Project) - US UT: PUB LTE: Drug Prohibition Disaster
Title:US UT: PUB LTE: Drug Prohibition Disaster
Published On:2003-09-18
Source:Salt Lake City Weekly (UT)
Fetched On:2008-01-19 12:26:43

I wanted to thank you for publishing the article by Brandon Burt ["Wars R
Us," Sept. 11, City Weekly].

The war on politically selected drugs is destroying this country.
Prohibition punishes the poor and weak of our society. The rich and
connected members are able to pay and sweet talk their way out of trouble.
Current and past presidents have used illegal drugs, so what message are we
really giving kids? The war on some drugs was started back in the 1920s,
when Chinese immigrants were seen as a problem and outlawing opium and
heroin was a way to get rid of them. The Federal Bureau of Narcotics was
formed and headed by Harry Anslinger. The western United States saw the
Mexican immigrants as a threat, so they eventually persuaded Anslinger to
deal with marijuana the way heroin and opium were dealt with. In 1937,
during congressional hearings concerning marijuana, Anslinger is quoted as
saying, "Marijuana causes white women to seek sexual relations with
Negroes, entertainers and any others." So began the reefer madness we're
all familiar with. Soon the federal government pressured every state into
outlawing cannabis, against the objections of the American Medical Association.

In 1938, New York City Mayor LaGuardia commissioned The New York Academy of
Medicine to study cannabis. After an exhaustive four-year study on the
issue they reported: "There [is] no direct relationship between the
commission of crimes of violence and marihuana ... and marihuana itself has
no specific stimulant effect in regard to sexual desires. The use of
marihuana does not lead to morphine or cocaine or heroin addiction. ...
Cannabis smoking does not lead directly to mental or physical
deterioration. ... Those who have consumed marijuana for a period of years
showed no mental or physical deterioration which may be attributed to the
drug." LaGuardia's report was dismissed, and he was forced to toe the party

Now, in the year 2003, our government is so addicted to its drug war budget
they will do anything to keep it. They use fear as a tool to get voters to
approve the continuation of the war on some drugs. They say they are
protecting our children.

Well, my children aren't safe under the current system. They will never be
safe until we deal with these now illegal substances the same way we deal
with the two most deadly substances, alcohol and tobacco.

These substances have warning labels on them. If we really wanted to help
drug users who need help, then we would legally regulate these substances
and allow users to read the warning label and make the decision for themselves.

And regulating these substances doesn't mean they would be more available
to minors. Our current system is the one which allows any kid to obtain
them with no regulation at all.

Sooner or later, this country will come to realize that the war on some
drugs is the biggest domestic policy disaster ever. How can we stand by
while our government continues a blatantly bigoted war such as this?

Scott Russ

Baton Rouge, La.
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