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News (Media Awareness Project) - US TX: Edu: Women Face Drugs, Date Rape When Out
Title:US TX: Edu: Women Face Drugs, Date Rape When Out
Published On:2003-09-18
Source:Daily Cougar (U of Houston, TX Edu)
Fetched On:2008-01-19 12:16:17

While Data Shows Drop, New Dangers Arise

When Cathy Ransom was drugged and brutally raped at the age of 17
during a college fraternity party, she became one of the nearly
250,000 American women who are sexually assaulted each year.

On dates, at parties and in clubs, the threat of sexual assault has
taken on a new face in the form of date rapes and rapes that use
predatory drugs to keep the victim from ever even knowing a rape has

"Rophynol, GHB and Ketamine are the most popular forms of date rape
drugs," said Bernadette Weston, president of Cougar Peer Education
Program, at a recent seminar on date rape. "Students need to be aware
of the dangers of each of these so they know what to look for."

According to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, Rohpynol, also
known as "roofies" or "roche," is a sleeping pill legally produced and
sold outside the United States. Ten times more potent than Valium,
Rophynol comes in a white pill form and is easily dissolved in drinks.
After ingestion, the effects usually occur within 30 minutes. When
combined with alcohol, they can last more than 24 hours. Signs to look
for include dizziness, disorientation or the sensation of feeling too
hot or too cold.

The effects of Rophynol continue to increase over time, peaking at two
hours and rendering the victim incapable of responding coherently to
normal or crisis situations.

"The company making Rophynol has recently changed the color of the
pill so that it shows up when dissolved in light colored drinks," said
Weston. "This makes detection easier in some cases."

GHB (gamma hudroxybutrate), called "liquid ecstasy" or "easy lay," is
sold illegally as an odorless, colorless liquid in water bottles,
according to the DEA, but can also come in powder, tablet or capsule
forms. In lower doses, GHB causes drowsiness, nausea and visual
disturbances. In higher doses, comas and seizures may occur. Because
traces of GHB only remain in the body between eight and 10 hours after
ingestion, early medical attention is vital in detecting its use.

Ketamine, known as "Special K," is a sedative veternarians typically
use on animals. It can be ingested orally, nasally or intravenously.
The effects typically last three hours and remain detectable in the
body for 48 hours, said Weston. Victims may feel vaguely aware but
detached from reality when under its influence.

The use of date rape drugs is prevalent in both one-on-one and social
situations, Weston said.

"Students should always keep an eye on their drinks and cover their
cup with their hand when walking around a party or club," she said.
"And watch the bartender or whoever pours your drink, because you
never know when someone may try to slip something in." Group dating,
as opposed to more intimate situations, is also a good idea, she said.

Though the occurrence of date rapes involving drugs or alcohol is on
the rise, sexual assaults occur every day without them. Sixty-six
percent of victims know their attackers, according to Rape, Abuse and
Incest National Network, and four out of 10 assaults take place at the
victim's own home.

"Everyone should always be aware of their surroundings," said Weston.
"Rapes are usually planned, and locking your doors, even if you feel
safe where you live, can save you."

In addition to the date rape seminar, Cougar PEP provided students
with a brief demonstration by Jessica Wheeler, a former UH graduate
and black belt in karate, on ways to avoid sexual assault.

"Use the ABC rule," she said. "Avoid by stepping to the side of your
suspected assailant; block their punch or grip with your hand or arm;
and counterattack -- hit them in the stomach, head or anywhere to hurt
them." Yelling to attract attention is also a good idea, and remaining
confident throughout is key to escaping, she said.

RAINN recommends that the first step in case of attack is to find a
safe environment. Then preserve any evidence of the attack by not
bathing, brushing teeth or changing clothes. Washing away any evidence
will inhibit the ability of the police to catch and prosecute the attacker.

RAINN recommends seeking medical attention right away, because there
is always the chance of STDs or pregnancy.

Most importantly, RAINN recommends reporting the assault to a law
enforcement agency.

"If attacked on campus, we tell students to use the Emergency Call
Boxes located at various areas," said UHPD Sergeant Leslie Grimillion.
"The call buttons in the elevators will also ring the police
department immediately."

While it is common for victims to feel ashamed or embarrassed, Weston
encourages students to remember that a sexual assault is not their
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