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News (Media Awareness Project) - US AZ: Edu: PUB LTE: Tucson Police Akin To Gestapo For Enforcing Anti-Drug Laws
Title:US AZ: Edu: PUB LTE: Tucson Police Akin To Gestapo For Enforcing Anti-Drug Laws
Published On:2003-09-12
Source:Arizona Daily Wildcat (AZ Edu)
Fetched On:2008-01-19 12:14:18

The article "Tucson police raids very unlike Gestapo actions," which
appears in the Sept. 8 Wildcat, argues that the Tucson Police Department is
not Gestapo-like, although all police departments, including the Tucson
Police Department, oppress the innocent like the Nazi Gestapo once did.
They are guilty of oppressing the innocent by executing legislation
prohibiting the consumption of certain goods like marijuana and cocaine.
They are guilty of oppressing consumers of illegal drugs because the
consumption of these goods is morally permissible. They are guilty of
oppressing those who are innocent of committing a moral crime, and until
they are jailed those enslaved for consuming illegal goods shall suffer
from the triumph of injustice! Until the consumption of illegal drugs is
recognized by law as morally permissible, the innocent shall suffer from
the reign of bigotry and oppression! Until true morality prevails the
innocent shall suffer from the chaos of injustice!

By prohibiting the consumption of certain goods like marijuana and cocaine
the government of the United States has monopolized liberty, outlawed free
markets, and become a more perfect communism! By policing, punishing and
oppressing consumers of certain prohibited drugs the government of the
United States has denied the pursuit of happiness, established injustice,
and become a more perfect tyranny, the judicial branch a more perfect
instrument of oppression totally disgraceful to the civilized world, and
the police force a pawn of tyranny all too parallel with the despotic
Gestapo and totally unworthy of legal authority! Such has been the reign of
tyranny, and such is now the duty to establish anarchy! Such is now the
duty to incite a revolution! Consumers of prohibited drugs, unite!

Daniel Greenspan

philosophy and political science sophomore
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