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News (Media Awareness Project) - US: Wire: OPED: Arrest MS, Not Patients
Title:US: Wire: OPED: Arrest MS, Not Patients
Published On:2003-09-21
Source:United Press International (Wire)
Fetched On:2008-01-19 11:48:31

WASHINGTON, Sept. 22 (UPI) -- A potential breakthrough in the treatment of
multiple sclerosis could lie on the horizon, and it may come from an unlikely
source: marijuana.

According to clinical findings published in the most recent issue of the
journal Brain, cannabinoids (ingredients in marijuana) offer neuroprotection
against allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE), an animal model of MS. After
analyzing the findings, authors at London's Institute of Neurology concluded,
"In addition to symptom management, cannabis may also slow down the
neurodegenerative processes that ultimately lead to chronic disability in
multiple sclerosis and probably other diseases."

Their statement gives hope to the estimated 350,000 patients in the United
States living with MS, a debilitating and sometimes fatal disorder of the
central nervous system. Although previous human studies have indicated that pot
may provide therapeutic relief to common symptoms of MS such as muscle spasms,
tremor, and incontinence, the London study is one of the first to indicate that
cannabinoids may also potentially stave off the disease.

Unfortunately, far too many politicians remain in the dark about marijuana's
medicinal value, with many in Congress opting to punish medicinal pot patients
rather than support them. In an effort to change this view, dozens of MS
patients who use marijuana therapeutically are descending on Washington this
week to bring needed attention to the medicinal marijuana issue. Patients will
be holding a candlelight vigil in front of the Supreme Court in honor of Cheryl
Miller -- a longtime medical marijuana activist who died of MS-related
complications in June -- as well as a press conference with various members of
Congress in support of House Bill 2233, the "States' Rights to Medical
Marijuana Act."

"Throughout much of her life, Cheryl risked arrest and jail to use the only
medication that alleviated her suffering," remembers her husband Jim Miller,
organizer of the patient march on Washington. "I hope that by bringing
attention to the plight of my late wife Cheryl, I can hasten the day when
marijuana will be made available so that others are no longer needlessly forced
to suffer with pain or risk arrest."

Further research on the use of marijuana as a medicine is forthcoming.
Nevertheless, it appears that many MS sufferers have already learned what the
scientific community is just now discovering. For example, a recent British
survey of MS patients found that 43 percent of respondents used marijuana
therapeutically. Among them, nearly three quarters said that pot mitigated
their spasms, and more than half said it alleviated their pain.

Clinical data published in the spring edition of the journal Clinical
Rehabilitation affirmed these perceptions. The study, performed by researchers
at Oxford University, found that MS patients administered whole-plant marijuana
extracts experienced improved pain relief, bladder control, and spasticity
compared to placebo. As a result, these pot extracts are now being evaluated by
the UK's National Institute for Clinical Excellence, which is expected to make
a decision regarding the drugs' legalization this fall.

Meanwhile, a survey published last month in the Canadian Journal of
Neurological Sciences reported that 96 percent of Canadian MS patients believe
that marijuana is therapeutically useful for treating the disease. Of those who
admitted using marijuana medicinally, the majority found it to be beneficial,
particularly in the treatment of chronic pain, spasticity and depression.

With scientific evidence mounting and large numbers of MS sufferers already
using marijuana medicinally, it's time to for Congress to acknowledge pot's
emerging role as a therapeutic agent, and stand up for the rights of patients
who ease their pain and suffering through the use of marijuana.
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