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News (Media Awareness Project) - UK: Government Agency Accused Of Encouraging Children To Try Drugs
Title:UK: Government Agency Accused Of Encouraging Children To Try Drugs
Published On:2003-09-28
Source:Sunday Telegraph (UK)
Fetched On:2008-01-19 11:16:29

A government agency has been accused of encouraging children to try
cannabis after sending drugs advice to schools which is written on a
replica of a giant Rizla packet.

The information, entitled drugs and alcohol education, was distributed to
secondary schools by Connexions, a careers advice service set up by the
Department for Education and Skills.

The first page of the leaflet on cannabis is green and designed like a
packet of Rizlas, the cigarette papers which are often used by cannabis
smokers to make their joints.

In the first paragraph, a step by step account of how to use the drug is
given. It says: "The resin (sticky brown stuff) from the plant is usually
heated, small bits broken off mixed with tobacco and rolled into a
fag-sized or bigger 'joint'. It can also be smoked on its own in pipes or
bongs or on heated knives. Some people put it in to food like hashcakes."

Three long-term effects of using cannabis are listed. Two of them refer to
the harmful effects of the tobacco in the drug and the fact that hot smoke
is "tough on your throat".

It tells children who feel that their cannabis use has got out of control
to limit the amount that they smoke.

The material, which has been sent to all secondary schools, has been
condemned by parents, teachers and medical experts for trivialising
cannabis and "positively encouraging children to smoke the drug". They
claim that the language used in the file is symptomatic of the current push
to downgrade cannabis.

Mary Brett, a biology teacher and the head of health education at Dr
Challoner's Grammar School, in Amersham, Buckinghamshire, said that she was
appalled by the leaflets.

"Nowadays, adults seem scared to tell children not to do things. We need to
give young people honest scientific information about the effects of drugs.
No young person likes to be patronised by people trying to be trendy and
'talking in their language'.

"The idea of reducing the risk of drugs is typical of the 'harm reduction'
proponents of drug education. It may have its place when dealing with known
users and addicts, but it has no place in the classroom where the vast
majority of children have no intention of embarking on a drug career. The
view that kids will use drugs anyway so we need to tell them how to do it
safely is indefensible."

Heather Ashton, a professor of clinical psychopharmacology at Newcastle
University, described the leaflet as "absolutely crazy". "Cannabis smoke
contains all the harmful constituents that tobacco does, bar nicotine," she

"The net results of smoking cannabis is bronchitis, emphysema and all the
things that you get with tobacco, including lung cancer. One joint is equal
to five cigarettes. These health risks are not pointed out."

Margaret Morrissey, the spokesman for the National Confederation for Parent
Teachers' Associations, said: "This leaflet is staggering. If a child
didn't know how to use cannabis before they saw it, they certainly do after
they've read it. We support sensible drugs education but it should be based
on prevention. Information should be about why you should not use cannabis,
not about how you can use it, written on a big Rizla packet.

"I think Connexions is working outside its remit here. I don't see why an
organisation which is primarily concerned with career advice is sending out
drug advice."

Connexions, which was established in 2001, employs 6,600 advisers to give
guidance to England's 4 million teenagers. Its annual budget is more than
UKP450 million.

The Government tried to distance itself from Connexions yesterday and said
the document was not official guidance. A spokeswoman from the Department
for Education and Skills said: "This is not Government guidance. It is
inappropriate and sends the wrong message.

"Schools are well aware of our tough stance on drugs. All guidance issued
from the Department makes clear that any form of drugs education must not
glamorise or underestimate the dangers of drugs. The leaflet should be
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