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News (Media Awareness Project) - US CA: Column: Out Of Joint
Title:US CA: Column: Out Of Joint
Published On:2003-09-26
Source:Orange County Weekly (CA)
Fetched On:2008-01-19 11:09:25

Here's sports columnist Steve Bisheef in the Sept. 21 Orange County Register on
Rex Hudler, who was suspended from the Anaheim Angels broadcast booth after
airport screeners discovered one of his bags contained a small amount of
marijuana that he's been using to get to sleep after suffering a brain
hemorrhage a couple of years ago: "For whatever reason, the Hudler case has
been a hot-button issue for those who abhor drug use of any sort, as well as
for rabid Angels fans who want to forgive the former big-league infielder and
get him back on the air as soon as possible." Uh, Steve, aren't you leaving out
another huge segment of the population that sees this as a hot-button issue?
That would be those who believe our country's prohibition of a harmless,
natural substance like marijuana is stupid, outmoded and corrupt? Geez, for a
refresher, read the cover story by Rebecca Schoenkopf in this same issue -- or
any Register editorial page.
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