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News (Media Awareness Project) - US CO: Edu: Double Punishment
Title:US CO: Edu: Double Punishment
Published On:2003-09-30
Source:Rocky Mountain Collegian, The (CO Edu)
Fetched On:2008-01-19 10:43:41

If you want to see a model example of government cooperation, I wouldn"t
suggest the FBI or the CIA; rather, take a look at how the city of Fort
Collins and CSU share information.

Students possibly face double disciplinary actions, from the university and
from the city of Fort Collins, for crimes they may commit, e.g. noise
violations or drug possession.

Under the Student Rights and Responsibilities policy, under Students"
Responsibilities, the policy reads:

The following actions are prohibited:

'11. Violation of any federal or state law or local ordinance including but
not limited to those covering alcoholic beverages, narcotics and illegal
drugs, gambling, arson, sex offenses, assaults, harassment, violation of
civil rights, disorderly conduct, or lewd, indecent or obscene conduct or

The section also preaches to students that as members of the university
community, students have an obligation to the community and to the
preservation of the academic process. As citizens, students have the
responsibility to know and obey the laws of the United States, Colorado and
local governments.

Hidden in this mumbo jumbo is, in my opinion, a direct violation of
students" civil rights as private citizens.

If you take the time to read the Student Rights and Responsibilities, there
is a clause titled: Students Participating in Activities Off Campus. It reads:

'Students participating in activities off campus are expected to adhere to
the high standards as defined by the University Discipline Policy. As
citizens of the local community, the State of Colorado, and the United
States, it is expected that the laws will be obeyed and that each student
will be a productive and good citizen within the greater community.

'If students are charged with serious crimes for incidents which take place
off campus, the Director of Judicial Affairs may choose to initiate
University disciplinary proceedings against them. Of particular concern are
those charges that indicate the student may be a danger to himself/herself
or others. Examples of these charges include violence, drug selling, sexual
assault, major theft, etc.

'In general, students who engage in behavior off campus that could damage
the reputation of Colorado State University or the institutions
relationship with the greater community may be subject to disciplinary action.'

I understand that as students become a bigger population in Fort Collins,
there is a concern from Fort Collins residents about disorderly conduct
from students, but why are students the only scapegoats?

I, like many other students, live here year-round. I pay taxes here, I
spend money here and I vote here; I should be treated like any other
resident when I break the law.

Students are not the only demographic who commit crimes and almost every
student is a legal adult, so why is the city playing tattletale?

I understand that the university wants to maintain a certain reputation and
relationship with the city, but that doesn"t justify the power they have to
punish a student for a crime he/she committed as a private citizen off campus.

Students should be outraged that they can be punished twice for crimes they

Another example of how students are treated unfairly in this state is the
riot bill signed by Gov. Bill Owens in 2002 that states students in all
state-supported institutions convicted of inciting a riot would be
suspended from the institution for at least one full year.

Students become private citizens when they step off campus unless they are
participating in university-sponsored functions. What a student does in his
or her time off university property is of no concern of CSU.

When a student is reported to the university from the city, he or she goes
in front of the University Discipline Panel which is comprised of faculty
members and students.

And when the panel meets to discuss the crime you committed, the
administrative hearing is closed at all times. At least the city adheres to
the Sixth Amendment when it comes to convicting someone.

Students are being treated unjustly and unfairly on the sole argument that
they decided to attend a state-funded institution. And that is because
students have next to no representation at city council or at the state
capitol. Elected city and school officials can push these kinds of
legislations over students because students do not care enough or are not
organized. Pay attention and speak against these gross infringements of
civil rights.

If the university wants to uphold a certain image, then it should work with
the city to have all unlawful actions by a student be taken up by the
university or it should simply stay out of our personal business.
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